Friday, September 08, 2006

Moving On Up

Anyone who has ever moved can probably rejoice with me in the fact that I am all settled in. I must say, I really enjoy my new place. Despite the few minor set backs that have come up since arriving here.
#1 - The old tennants did not clean the carpets. This sucked because they were smokers and had a dog. Yuck! But the landlord did hire professional carpet cleaners to come in and clean the carpets within three days of us moving in so that made that better. Oh yeah, because he couldn't get into the basement because of all the boxes he gave us the $30 it would have cost him to have that cleaned.
#2 - The old tennants left a heap of junk in the back alley. Now when I say a heap of junk I do not mean trash. I mean a BBQ, one of those old tvs which is built into its stand, a cab for the box of a truck, a dresser, a mirror, a shelving unit, a sand box, a broken extension cord, and sliding doors for a shower. Jonny ended up taking most of it to the dump himself with the help of Dave. The cool thing about this was that it would have cost the landlord $40 to hire someone to take it away so he just gave us the $40.
#3 - Alanna now has a new bus route, hence new bus driver. It only took a full week of school for them to contact us - correction for us to finally get a hold of them - to find out where her pickup was. It took me phoning FirstBus who told me to phone the school which I did (twice) who then told me to phone FirstBus again because apparently alot of parents where having this problem. So I phoned FirstBus again and THEN they had the bus driver call me. BUT, Alanna doesn't need to cross a single street to get to her stop so she can go by herself.
#4 - I bought a box of 48 ice cream cones and when I opened the box there was only 16 cones in the box. There is no positive outcome to this story, this one just sucks.

But all in all things are great! Thank you so much for those you helped move us and those of you who kept me occupied when I was trying to avoid packing, you have been such a blessing to us.


Anonymous said...

oh leah. I am soooo sorry about your ice cream cones. I cried a little inside just for you. hehe You are too funny when you complain. its beautiful. Call me for lunch sometime this week. I need friends! love.!

Megan said...

congrats on your new place! moving is so exciting. We're going to be in Saskatoon in November for my cousin's wedding, so I'll have to make sure to stop by and say hi. Maybe we can go for lunch or something.