I came here with this big long shpeal in mind. Wanting to blog about how old I feel lately. In the last year and a half I've become a wife and had another baby. It's really hitting home just now that I am 25 years (in a week) and I am a wife and mother of TWO. I'm not in the best shape, although that's not really my problem and I'm not doing anything to fix it so I can't really complain about it. I've gotten my hair done, what, three times in the past four months? And it always ends up looking the same. I started to think that maybe I just needed a few cocktails because I remember feeling pretty sexy when I used to do that every night. (ha)
Then last night I was reading Psalms before bed and I came across Psalms 147:10-11.
His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man, the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
Okay, so God doesn't care what I look like, I suppose that would make sense. And I'm pretty sure that my friends and family aren't horrified to be seen with me in public (I'm sure that I would have heard about it). So why do I care so much? I'm pretty sure the Bible says a bunch of stuff about being vain and what not. I'm trying to take the Christian approach and so I've been sticking with my Bible, secretly hoping that it contains the secret to eternal gorgeousness. I have a woman's Bible where different women have written their opinions on different topics. There is like 8 different authors touching on beauty, all of them saying stuff like your true beauty is within, blah, blah, blah. If I was only interested in internal beauty with myself I would be a stinkin runway model (ha ha). If I keep checking I'll probably end up finding something somewhere that tells me to get off my lazy ars and actually do something about it instead of sitting on my computer blogging about it.
I blame the media entirely. If there wasn't soooo much on tv about how to look younger, thinner, hipper, etc, etc I'm sure every woman in the world would be a little bit happier, except for those who seem to continually pull it off, I wish I was one of them.
Ah. You must know that despite my recent obsession with my less than perfect hair cuts that I have been receiving lately I am not depressed about it or anything, it's just what I've been thinking alot about lately. I think I need a new stylist because I believe that my current salon is not quite getting my issue. There is the possibility that I'm not getting my issue, it just occurred to me that it may not be the haircut that is the problem at all maybe I need a stylist that can show me how to style my hair.
I know, this is the most boring blog ever. I'm really just venting to myself. Hey, is anyone up for just a day of pampering? Marvel or Marca does manicures and pedicures for pretty cheap. That reminds me - formula test day #3 - wish me luck!
Well I should put at least one brief tale narrating an interesting or amusing biographical incident. (I looked up the correct spelling for anecdote) Here's one about Alanna.
Setting: I'm getting ready to go out to clothing club and I am assisting Jonny in making supper for Alanna before I go. Alanna is playing but apparently eavesdropping.
Leah: So, I'm not sure how late I'm going to be tonight.
Jonny: If I'm sleeping when you come home wake me up.
Leah: OOOO, I wonder how I could do that. (wink, wink)
Alanna: Spit in his ear!