Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Parenting 101

I know it's been less than 24 hours since my last blog. But because I am home alone I apparently feel the need to comment on everything I see on tv.

Firstly, I need to say that everyone has their own way of parenting, and one way is no better than the other. It really is whatever works best for you and your kids. BUT, this is how I feel.

I watched some talk show today and they talked about all aspects of parenting. First of all they had a panel of celebrity parents and then they had a child development crazy lady on. Spanking was the first topic and mostly everyone said that spanking was definitly the way to go. But then crazy lady voiced her opinion and she said that it's too much of a hassle to spank your kids. I personally find it quite conveniant but whatever. She said it was a hassle because if you spank your kid then your kid can go to school and tell someone that their parent spanked them and then you could get called in for a meeting with your school or social services or something. I don't think that you should be worried about your kid "telling on you" unless you are beating the crap out of them in which case they should be telling on you.

He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads other astray. (Proverbs 10:17)
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. (Proverbs 13:24)
Although I don't think I'd use a rod I think my man Solomon was pretty wise in his words.

Another topic that was brought up was spying on your children. Everyone agreed (including crazy lady) that spying on your children (ie. reading diaries, etc) was a good idea but the celebrities did not know how to do it while maintaining the kids trust. Then crazy lady said the best thing. She explains to her kids that they do not have the right to privacy until they are 18 and/or move out of the house. I am SO telling my kids that. I wouldn't tell my kids that I was reading their diary unless I found something really bad that needed intervention immediately. I would have been absolutely devastated if my parents read my diary. However, let's say, heaven forbid, your kid committed suicide and then when you are going through their things you find a diary that says all kinds of things about them being depressed, etc. Would you be able for forgive yourself for not reading the diary in the first place? I wouldn't.

THEN there was crazy lady #2 who was giving tips on potty training babies at 2 months. Give me a break - let your baby be a baby. Don't kids grow up too fast as it is?

I will tell another funny story about my comedic daughter, Alanna. Firstly, I will say that we are not a racist family whatsoever. For crying out loud supper at our house is like a UN meeting. However, this is a funny story.

Alanna went through a phase about two years ago where she really like coyboy and Indian movies. And truly believed that these types movies still existed in current day true life. (She still thinks that current day London is like Mary Poppins). Anyway we were in Walmart trying jeans on her in the change room and she looked up on saw that there was a grid like roof to the little room. She was why ceiling was like that and the first thing that popped to my mind was so that bad people didn't jump out and steal something. And she says, in her very loud five year old voice, "like Indians?". Well, was my face red. But I tell you, she is now one of the biggest advocates for First Nations equality.

Why did God make it so that kids embarass you at the worst time? Do you think Jesus ever acted up when he was 4? The Bible doesn't really talk about Jesus as a child. Do you think he ever had a temper tantrum, screaming "your not my father" at Jospeh in the middle of the market because he skipped a nap? Probably not. Although I suppose God still knows what it feels like to have your kids be mad at you and even turn against you completely. We do it all the time. Maybe we should think of our kids the next time we decide to blame God for something or deny knowing him. How would you feel if your children did that to you?


AlisonVeritas said...

That is an awesome, hilarious post. Crazy lady is CRAZY for potting training at 2months. For the love of God those kids are going to grow up with unrealistic expectations on them alllll the time.I kind of think the privacy thing is a little off though, I think privacy is something earned because of trust. If your kid is trustworthy younger than 18 then they should have earned some respect and privacy. hmmm. but it's an interesting topic. honestly parenting just gets trickier the older they get I've decided. I'll have to meet you when I'm in Saskatoon next week! You're a new part of the posse since I moved away. And I think we need to see some more pics of your babies!

Megan said...

Parenting has gotten way too complicated. Whatever happened to the days when discipline was expected and parents were entitled to discipline their children however they saw fit? Of course, that was before commom sense went flying out the window. As for the privacy issue, that's a really tough call. I think that if the parent feels as though their child is hiding something important, they have the right to seek out that information however possible. Just my opinion.

Leah said...

I think that as far as the privacy issue goes - it's not so much that I don't trust my kids - I just don't think that I could explicitly. I see parents with teens and the parents are completely oblivioius as to what their kids are really up to. Also I am probably especially suspicious of kids because of working at the police station.

AlisonVeritas said...

ya I totally agree with that. You cannot trust them explicitly. YOU are the parent, not them!

Megan said...

But at the same time, you can't shelter your kids when they're teens. They need to make mistakes for themselves and parents can't always stand in the way of that. I think it's such a gray area that only the parent will know in that situation if invasion of privacy is the right or wrong thing to do. Needless to say, I don't think I'm looking forward to Cassidy's teenage years.