Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Conversation With God

Me: God, I feel fat today.

God: Leah, do you think that I am perfect?

Me: Of course.

God: Do you believe that I created everything in this world?

Me: Of course.

God: Do you think I make mistakes?

Me: Never.

God: Then why do you think that I would make you anything less then beautiful. Everything in this world has been created exactly the way that I intended it to be.

Me: If this is the way that I should be then should I stop exercising and eating right?

God: Your body is a temple that I have given you. It is up to you to look after your body and make the most of it. Remember I am with you always, Leah. I am here to give you the strength and encourangement you need.

Leah: Thank you. Through you, God, I know all things are possible. Praise God.


Megan said...

One of these days, I'm going to surprise you and call you up to find out how to have a converstation like that. I've never known how, and would really like to.

Leah said...

Any and all phone calls are welcome.

Unknown said...

Great dialogue Leah. I think we so often need those words of encouragement and love.

Just Me said...

You are hot!! No, Jonny, I am not hitting on your wife.