Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Fashion Show

Hello All!

So I haven't blogged in what seems like a really long time. I know it seems like I've just been complaining a lot - really I've just been tired (and my whole family has been sick). But other than that things are going really well. I am really enjoying work. I've been getting a ton of hours - I've actually been turning down hours so that I can have one day off a week (which this week is Friday).

The exciting thing that has happened recently is that my family was in a fashion show on Sunday (hence why I was not in church on Sunday). I must say my family is extremely good looking. This was a fundraiser for The Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan (which is where my mama works). Here are some pictures of my fam on the runway.

My mom looks like she is having tons of fun. Everytime it was her turn on the runway our table would hoot and holler at her. Someone made a comment that we were embarassing her, but I think that the picture shows that she was milking it.

My sister gave a speech honoring one of the SCORE teachers as my baby sis was one of graduates from that program. She was so nervous - she isn't the biggest fan of public speaking. I'm sure that me snapping pictures helped tons. Sorry the lighting on her was crappola.
Jonny and Torry sang as entertainment. Of course, they were phenominal. I wouldn't want to say too much but I do believe that they got an offer to play at a fairly significant event in the city this summer. Keep your ears open. I apologize, to Torry. I meant to get a picture of the two of them performing. Here is Jonny warming up before the show. And to follow are just some other random pics taken during the day.

Oh! And just as a note of pictures to come. Emerie is one her way to walking - I believe her record is about 6 feet.


Just Me said...

Too bad the askers of their city gig this summer haden't been at the dinner last year...cause that band kicked A**! Yay for them, though.

kristin janzen said...

wow, what fun!!! your family looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hey Leah, Your kids are so cute and your mom looks great. Tell her I say hi!!

Miss Gina said...

I loooove Alana's hair done up in that orange wrap cute!

What does your mom do for the LDAS?

Jenna said...

hey leah
why weren't you in the fashion show??
what a hot fam! i hope u guys are feeling betters!

Just Me said...

I wish that I cold see the one of Jonny computer is kindof dark. You'll have to give Lis and I a slideshow presentation at coffee!