Thursday, February 15, 2007

Smells Like Spring

It feels like such a long time since I've blogged about anything.

I had a lot to say in mind but it now seems as though I am drawing a blank. I guess to start with today and work my way back would be a start. Today it smells like spring outside today. Oh how I love that smell. It smells different outside, it smells different in the Jeep, and it is so nice to get that musty smell out of the house by opening the windows.

Valentine's Day was yesterday. I really enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures and hearing their stories and what not, but sadly the only thing I did yesterday was babysit during choir practice at the church.

We have been doing a lot of visiting lately. It seems like almost every night we have either been out or had someone else over. Friday after choir we went to BP's with Torry and Hirem. Hirem is a riot. I'm mad at Torry - he knows why ;)(this is just a side note and has nothing to do with us going out with him). Anyway, Saturday we invited Phil over and told him to bring however he was hanging with to come as well - 9 youth later we had a party on our hands. We played Taboo, it was pretty funny. Torry came over that night as well. Jeremy stayed at our place over the weekend - which is fine by me because he kept bringing miscellaneous Tim Horton's treats. Jenn's birthday party was on Sunday evening and we had the best cake ever. I have decided that Jenn will make cake for all major functions in the future - I have yet to clear this with her, I'm sure her cake was no trouble at all though.

I'm really just rambling now - I don't have anything in particular to blog about - just playing catch up I guess. I hope everyone is doing well out there in blogger land - good night.

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