Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The baby is 1!

So my baby girl is now a number. I cried for a week when Alanna turned one. For some reason I was definitely not sad about it this time.
We just had a small little wienie roast with my sister and her kids - Dave and Deb and their kids, Jonny's mom, and of course Uncle Torry.

ps - Kraft's creamy poppy seed dressing is amazazing!

So pictures - for you viewing pleasure (not like everyone that looks at this hasn't already seen them on facebook, lol)Did I mention - I love cake!
A little water to wash that down.
You didn't tell me there would be presents!
A little storey - Emerie has a thing with stuffed animals. It is like a pacifier with her - she loves to cuddle with them and she brings them close to her lips and almost sucks on them. It's very soothing for her. So of course she got a brand new puppy from Grandma and Grandpa for her bday.
Okay Alanna, now you need to show me how this thing works.

Stay tuned for blogs to come - This week I will tell you all about my near death experience climbing a mountain on the weekend. (my camera broke and I need the pictures to go along with the storey) The suspence must be killing you all.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

So cute! Love the pictures...too bad for you she didn't get a winnie the pooh toy that plays music....Ha ha! :)