Friday, June 01, 2007


So, so, so addicted to Facebook now. I know I said I would never convert - but seriously I am in contact with people I haven't talked to in AGES! I just signed in yesterday and already I have 54 friends. Really - I wasn't aware I had that many friends - I am SO blessed.

In other news - I got a hair cut. I love, love, love it. Also, since starting work I have neglected Curves completely. Honestly, I have not gone once. HOWEVER!!!! Since starting work I have lost 8 pounds. Oh, faithful readers - how I'm sure you've longed for a happy blog from me.

How could I not be in such a good mood now that So You Think You Can Dance is on the air. Suck bliss.

Good night all! I promise not to neglect you.


Anonymous said...

Leah, I love your hair!!! Congrats on losing the 8 pounds, I think I lost 10 last night walking for 12 hours in Relay for Life so it's a good day for both of us!!

Jenna said...

hey leah
i can tell that you lost weight
i think that stay at home moms seem to eat all day. so that's probably why. i know i eat all day
Nice hair. See you later

Just Me said...

Nice bangs!

Leah said...
