Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Zip Line

So the weekend of my cousin Elise's wedding turned out to be quite an unexpected adventure but tons of fun. She was married out in the boonies and then the reception was in an equally boonyish location so for those of us who had nowhere to go between locations decided to go out to the reception place. Which was the Shekinah Retreat Centre (Shawn - I highly recommend this place for the next youth retreat). So we're sitting there hanging out bored out of our skulls when this strapping young man comes up to us and says that if we wanted to go on the zip line he would man it for us.

Me and my sis take one look at eachother and off we go to change.

First of all Mr. Man did not tell us that there was going to be so much walking involved. I was tired before I even reached the hill. Meanwhile my 13 year old cousins are walking like they do this all the time ;) (I'm so out of shape). So we get to this hill (which is hardly considered a hill) and I'm like oh, this'll be no problem (yeah right). So I decide to head the train up the hill. Well I can't look like a complete goof so I'm trying to truck up this hill has fast as I can. About half ways up I'm just short of dropping to my knees and crawling the rest of the way. But I was quite proud of myself that I did not and kept up my pace (for appearances only). So Kellyn and I as soon as we hit the top were basically holding eachother up so as not to pass out on the spot. This treturous climb did not even phaze Alanna - oh to be 7 again.

btw - my weight loss is now at a grand total of 12 lbs as of last Saturday.

So yeah - then we zipped from the top of our hill to the middle of another hill through the trees. Then you climb that other hill and zip from the top of that hill back to the first hill. The pictures are quite deceiving. Those trees that you see are the tops of the trees that are in the valley between the two hills. Amazing experience, I highly recommend it.

So I had to take pictures of the zip lining stuff - then my camera died so I did not get one picture of the wedding party.

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