Monday, November 27, 2006

The Home Stretch

Greetings bloggers!

Well we are now on the home stretch to December 1st. I'm getting my Christmas tree this weekend. Although I haven't told Jonny this yet. I think that I've picked one out at Zellers, of all places. I think it's a Martha Stewart tree. To my recollection it's 6.5 ft, quite fat, it has snow frosted tips and pine cones. I never thought that I would like a tree with pine cones but this one is really pretty. And conveniently enough Zellers trees are on sale this week (along with the rest of the city's).

This weekend a watched Click, with Adam Sandler. I REALLY liked it. A warning, there is quite a bit of rough language in it, but I watched it twice. It's a combination of Bruce Almighty and It's a Wonderful Life. If I wasn't won over already the fact that Adam Sandler called someone Jonny G String sure did it (imagine my shgrin). I've only been calling Jonny that for about three years. I should get some kind of royalties or something for that. I'm sure Jonny thought I was going to pee my pants when I heard that.

I finally got Emerie taking a bottle this weekend just in time for our Vanier Cup party on Saturday. Boo Quebec! Anyways she will take the bottle reluctantly and shoots dirty looks at me the whole time. Oh well, it had to come at some point.

My next ambition - to watch the Left Behind series.

1 comment:

tmosh said...

congrats on the new tree - johnny G string eh? i'll have to tell dave about that one....