Monday, November 20, 2006

The Weekend Update

We are now a family of 6! Alot of you thought that I was crazy for letting a young adult move in with us back in September. Well, we know have a 17 year old girl living with us as well. Chantel comes from a small town where the kids closest in age to her are either two years younger or older. There really just wasn't anything for her there so she moved to Saskatoon. I know all of you think that I'm nuts but I feel really at peace about having these kids here with us.

We spent the weekend getting her all settled in. Jonny and I bought a new tv for the basement and brought a futon over from Jonny's mom's place to make the rumpus room a little more homier so the kids don't feel as though they need to hang around us all the time.

In January we are hoping to get new furniture upstairs (HOORAY!!!) so we can move the furniture that I am currently disliking downstairs.

So I am soooo excited for Christmas to come. I started my shopping for the kids. My most favorite part about Christmas is buying stuff for the kids. It's buying gifts for everyone else that just stresses me out completely.

Holy Smack! I just saw Helen Hunt on The View. She has really aged - like shockingly so.

Back to Christmas -It's beginning to look alot like Christmas, just not in my house. I am currently in the process of Christmas Tree Shopping. I think that I'm going to end up getting one from Canadian Tire - they have some really nice ones there. Here's a question for you all - what are the pros and cons about buying a prelit tree. What happens when a light burns out? Am I going to spend a week trying to find the one lightbulb that is making the entire tree not work? Some help here would be appreciated.

We are all signed up for Deal or No Deal. Auditions are in Calgary November 30 and December 1. I'm just waiting for the call to let us know that they want to see more of us. Is it bad that I have all the money that we are potentially going to win already spent in my head?
1. God gets his cut (What charity would you give money to if you won a bunch?)
2. Pay off the vehicles
3. Money to our parents
4. Buy a house (or at least put down a good down payment)
5. Go on cruise (My dream is to win enough to be able to bring friends/family with us)

Emerie is yelling and looking at me like - mommy why aren't you playing with me. Guess that's my cue to go.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I think I would give lots of cash to the Alberta Children's Hospital or the Children's Wish Foundation. And then I would give to local charities that help clothe and feed the needy.