Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Family Weekend

So this weekend was the first ever "family" weekend. I must say we had a pretty good weekend. Alanna was gone to Melfort for the weekend but she was home from school the whole week before so we got to hang out. On Friday I brought the girls sledding at the Cardinal Leger hill. It was so much fun. Jenna and her kids and my sister Kellyn and her kids came out as well. They had so much fun. It was funny to watch Emerie crawling around the top of the hill, she looked like a little cartoon character.

Yesterday was Ava's 2nd birthday (this is my sister's baby for those who don't know). So we had a little shindig at my mom's house for her. Alanna was pretty excited that she got to make it back in time for the party.

You see the gigantic cake, there was like 8 of us there, three of which were babies. So we brought half of that cake home with us because they couldn't eat all of it. Jonny brought it to work with him today and there is still a bunch that will be coming back home with him. It's a good thing I like cake.
Jonny, Ronnie, and I took the kids sledding after the party as well. We also brought my little cousin Kooper. He just turned 3 and he is the tiniest little thing. And sooo sweet. He was so excited. I went down the hill with Alanna and our sled got turned around so we were going backwards and I could see Kooper jumping up and down, he looked like a little jumping bean. Everytime he jumped his knees just about touched his chin.

Today was chat n' play day. This is where mommies get together for coffee at the church and the kids get to play with eachother. I got told twice today, for the first time ever, that Emerie looks like me. This excites me greatly. This is a picture of Emerie and Terran playing in the ball pit together. How cute!

I had to add this picture of Emerie. She fell asleep on me on Sunday so Gina took a picture of us. The camera ended up waking her up and she shot the dirtiest look at Gina afterwards. Pretty funny if you ask me.


Megan said...

Cute pictures! It sounds like you had a great weekend. Family Day is a wonderful thing.

Jenna said...

i love that last picture of emerie
i like chat n play
i like you!!

Miss Gina said...

She's got Jonny's lips in that last picture!!!