Friday, December 29, 2006


Well Christmas is over. Is it bad if I say finally? Christmas seemed to go on and on over here.

Let me begin my Christmas tale with a picture of my Christmas tree. This tree gave me so much more grief than it was worth. I have decided that from this year on I will be anti Christmas tree. Okay, that's a lie. It started out when Jonny threw out my old Christmas tree and then didn't want to fork over the cash for me to get the tree that I really wanted. To make a long story short we ended up getting this real one. Which I must say was a pretty nice looking tree to start with. I bought some pretty new red lights to go on my Christmas tree but while cutting the tags off the lights I accidentally cut through a string of wire. Jonny attempted to fix the lights but they only worked about 75% of the time (please note that during the time of this picture it was the 30%). Anyways, here is my tree.

Because Alanna was spending Christmas with her father's family this year we had our own little Christmas at our house the weekend before actual Christmas. Alanna was pretty excited to find out that she got to open presents early.

I'm not sure Emerie really understood what was going on. But we have cute pictures and that's enough for me.

I'll sum up the rest of Christmas really quickly:
Christmas Eve we spent with the Chapman's and all their family. We had a great time eating, playing games, and did I mention eating? BTW - I have never seen so many presents in my life - just thought I would throw that in.
Christmas Day Jonny's mom came with us to my parents place for Christmas supper. My parents had gotten us a deep freeze for Christmas which was delivered earlier in the week but they also surprised us with a gift certificate to Costco as well. Hello Boxing Day shopping.
Boxing Day, after shopping of course, we were back at my mom's house where my whole family got together, including Alanna. I counted 37 people for supper. We had a Chinese gift exchange. After the exchange Jonny and I ended up with an ivory colored table lamp and an ice fishing thingamajig. After trading with willing participants we brought home a fleece blanket and a CD holder book thing. Now because I've been talking about Christmas's at my mother's house it is only fitting that I now post the long awaited before and after pictures of the renovations to my mom's house. You should be able to get the jist of the reno's by these pictures but as you can imagine they don't do the room any justice.


Last night (being Thursday) we had Gibson Christmas at my house. Even though I took down my tree the day before (oh well). Dave and Deb and their family and Kelvin and his kids and of course Jonny's mom all came over. It was nice to have everybody together because it is a rare occasion.
Hmm, let's see, other things that happened over Christmas. Ah, yes. Santa Claus showed up in Marcelin on Christmas Eve (my mom's brothers and sisters and what not were all there, basically everyone that was at mom's on Boxing Day except my family). Santa showed up with dark sunglasses and gloves on so no one knew his true identity. I guess everyone was a little skeptical about letting him in but what do you do it's Christmas. Anyhow, Santa ended up proposing to my cousin Jolene (congrats Jo). I saw the video footage and it was really sweet. The same night there was another engagement. My Dad! Nuff said.

I hope everyone out there in blogging land had a most excellent Christmas and will have a great New Year. By the way - I am extremely excited about New Years. I will post pictures of that later. We are having a murder mystery party - I've never done one before - how exciting!!!!

Oh yeah - for Christmas I got beautiful bedding to decorate my beautiful head and footboard that I got for my birthday. I thought I had pictures of if but apparently I don't. I will get them and post them in my next post.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hey You!!!!

Hey there faithful readers! Everyone please go and check out my friend Megan's blog. I really enjoyed her latest post.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Something New

Just giving you all something new to read:

You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

-Christopher Robin to Pooh

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Conversation With God

Me: God, I feel fat today.

God: Leah, do you think that I am perfect?

Me: Of course.

God: Do you believe that I created everything in this world?

Me: Of course.

God: Do you think I make mistakes?

Me: Never.

God: Then why do you think that I would make you anything less then beautiful. Everything in this world has been created exactly the way that I intended it to be.

Me: If this is the way that I should be then should I stop exercising and eating right?

God: Your body is a temple that I have given you. It is up to you to look after your body and make the most of it. Remember I am with you always, Leah. I am here to give you the strength and encourangement you need.

Leah: Thank you. Through you, God, I know all things are possible. Praise God.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Just For Fun

Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC
"Back in black, I hit the sack,I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"
Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Stories That Make Me Giggle

I've been spending most of my weekend laughing at my kids and how silly they are. I need to tell someone about them so I may as well tell everyone. Although I'm sure they are only funny if you were there.

Okay well Emerie just makes me giggle at the sight of her. She has been so smiley lately - even when she's crying. Today in church Jonny, Emerie and I played the holy family. Emerie was supposed to be a sleeping baby Jesus, but the entire time she kept trying to stick her fingers up Jonny's nose.

Also, in church, we were singing Gloria and Jonny kept accidentally singing his harmony parts for the Christmas production - at full voice I might add. Needless to say we giggled through most of worship. This one may only be funny to choir members.

Alanna on the other hand is funny without even trying to be.
Last night I had Emerie in her crib while I was off doing something. Alanna was in there supposedly changing into her pajamas. I could hear Alanna making some weird noises and Emerie was shreaking with delight. I open the door just a crack so as not to be detected to see Alanna dancing around in her underwear singing the Grinch theme song in a voice specifically designed for Emerie. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing and ruin the little show.

Tonight while eating supper after the Elim Production (which was awesome, thanks Riki for coming with us) Alanna asks me "Was Mary really a virgin?". I say yes, of course, but follow up with "Do you know what a virgin is?". She says no but then changes her answer to a yes. She explained to me how a virgin is someone that they use as a sacrifice to bring rain.

Kids say the darndest things.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Elim's Christmas Production

I'm just putting in a plug for the Elim Christmas production. I went and watched dress rehearsal last night and it was amazing. This is the third year that I will be attending the concert and I tell you it just gets better every year. For those of you who read this blog and aren't already going or in it (obviously) definitely need to go. There are two professional singers that are singing this year. Leon has been here a couple of times already and has an amazing voice. Hiram (I'm not sure if he has been here before or not) is amazing. I love black guys - I told Jonny I was in love with Hiram last night but what I meant was that I just love how he dances. Also, the talent of the Elim choir members is incomparable. If you live in or near Saskatoon you need to go this weekend. There are shows Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings and one Sunday afternoon - all at Elim. I'm going Sunday afternoon if you want to come with me.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

18 Days to Christmas

So last night was Wednesday which is typically reserved for cell night for female youth. However, there has only been two days that anyone has ever showed up. So usually I just sit at home (because I should still be available) but never really expect anyone to show up. But shortly after 7pm my doorbell rang. I have to admit that the whole hour was a little awkward because I had absolutely nothing prepared. But it was nice to get to know a new person from youth.

I just have to say - I really enjoy having Chantel here. Not only was she here last night to make my awkward cell group a little less awkward, but yesterday as she was leaving for school she says to me - "I just love how you dress all cute just to stay home for the day". What a great way to say something nice. She said it in a way that I almost believed her.

So I finally got a Christmas tree. What a fiasco that was. Thank you Jenn and Lisa for putting up with me. So this is the story - Last year Jonny and I cheaped out and bought a crapola tree from XS Cargo. When we moved Jonny said that he hated the tree and was going to throw it out and buy me a great tree this year. Fine. So now that Christmas has rolled around we have found that we have a little less money than we had anticipated we would four months ago. So what Jonny wanted to do was go to XS Cargo and buy the exact same tree that we threw out. ARGH! So after much compromise we ended up getting a real tree. This tree I must say is quite nice. It is, however, a lot bigger than any tree I have ever had before and so I don't quite have enough ornaments to fill it up. Plus, I put my silver beads on the tree and then took them right off again. See, the thing about real trees is that their branches to not stay up very well so with the beads it looked a little droopy. So I have my red lights (yes I changed to colored lights) and my ornaments (which I love - I buy a special ornament or two every year). It's okay - I like it in the dark. I'll have a Martha tree when the kids move out and take their ornaments with them.

Tonight I am going to watch the dress rehearsal of the Elim Christmas production. It'll be nice to be one of the only audience members. My sister in law, Deb, is going with her kids too. On Sunday afternoon I am going to the real show with My mom, Ron, Kellyn, Ronnie, Andrew, Avery, Ava, Alanna, Emerie, and Flora. I'm going to go early and reserve an entire pew.

All of my Christmas shopping is done. What a relief. But usually when I am done all my Christmas shopping this early in December it means that I buy extra things for people the rest of the month for no other reason than just to buy them. Oh well! I love Christmas shopping.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

One Of Those Days

Oh, the sweet smell of my hazelnut coffee. It takes forever to brew - maybe I shouldn't stand there watching, but nothing is on my mind but that first sip of caffeine. Making just enough for one cup because I can't wait long enough for more to brew. Ah, atlast it is finished. Vanilla creamer and a teaspoon of sugar. I can't wait. That first sip - hmm tastes a little funny. Oh for the love of... From now on we don't keep the formula powder and the sugar bowl so close together. Now I have to wait for another cup to brew. I hope this isn't a forshadowing of the rest of my day.

Have a good one everyone!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I Am Slowly Going Crazy

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Switch.

Mission accomplished. I have watched the first of the three Left Behind movies. There were some points that I thought were really great - they made some good references. But overall the movie was pretty cheesey. I'd watch it again. Tonight? Tribulation Force.

So maybe it's because I watched a movie on the rapture that I'm on high alert. Have you ever seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? Today I'm driving in my Jeep on my way to Tuesday morning coffee with Lisa and Jenn, when all of a sudden - my dash board starts to frost over, then my windows and mirrors start to do the same. I had a panic attack. Seriously, I pulled over to the side of the road on Circle Drive because if we froze I didn't want to crash. So anyways my heater isn't working properly in my Jeep as it turns out. That sucks!

Emerie now has two teeth. And yes, they both came through today. Hopefully this will mark the end of this crappy cold she's been going through. My mom says mine came two by two as well.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. It's friends and family days at The Gap - how exciting to be a friend. I'll get some Christmas shopping done for the kids. It's about time I start, eh?

Look at this cute picture I found of Emerie and Ava. Can you believe how much Emerie has changed?

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Home Stretch

Greetings bloggers!

Well we are now on the home stretch to December 1st. I'm getting my Christmas tree this weekend. Although I haven't told Jonny this yet. I think that I've picked one out at Zellers, of all places. I think it's a Martha Stewart tree. To my recollection it's 6.5 ft, quite fat, it has snow frosted tips and pine cones. I never thought that I would like a tree with pine cones but this one is really pretty. And conveniently enough Zellers trees are on sale this week (along with the rest of the city's).

This weekend a watched Click, with Adam Sandler. I REALLY liked it. A warning, there is quite a bit of rough language in it, but I watched it twice. It's a combination of Bruce Almighty and It's a Wonderful Life. If I wasn't won over already the fact that Adam Sandler called someone Jonny G String sure did it (imagine my shgrin). I've only been calling Jonny that for about three years. I should get some kind of royalties or something for that. I'm sure Jonny thought I was going to pee my pants when I heard that.

I finally got Emerie taking a bottle this weekend just in time for our Vanier Cup party on Saturday. Boo Quebec! Anyways she will take the bottle reluctantly and shoots dirty looks at me the whole time. Oh well, it had to come at some point.

My next ambition - to watch the Left Behind series.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Christmas 911

So my annual Christmas panic is beginning to set in. I've had a few good years where I have gotten people some really great gifts. So, when I don't have any idea on what to get people I start to panic. With kids you really can get away with anything. It's really Jonny and my parents that I stress about.

Does anybody have any ideas on what I should get Jonny or my parents?

p.s. I really want to see that Nativity movie.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Weekend Update

We are now a family of 6! Alot of you thought that I was crazy for letting a young adult move in with us back in September. Well, we know have a 17 year old girl living with us as well. Chantel comes from a small town where the kids closest in age to her are either two years younger or older. There really just wasn't anything for her there so she moved to Saskatoon. I know all of you think that I'm nuts but I feel really at peace about having these kids here with us.

We spent the weekend getting her all settled in. Jonny and I bought a new tv for the basement and brought a futon over from Jonny's mom's place to make the rumpus room a little more homier so the kids don't feel as though they need to hang around us all the time.

In January we are hoping to get new furniture upstairs (HOORAY!!!) so we can move the furniture that I am currently disliking downstairs.

So I am soooo excited for Christmas to come. I started my shopping for the kids. My most favorite part about Christmas is buying stuff for the kids. It's buying gifts for everyone else that just stresses me out completely.

Holy Smack! I just saw Helen Hunt on The View. She has really aged - like shockingly so.

Back to Christmas -It's beginning to look alot like Christmas, just not in my house. I am currently in the process of Christmas Tree Shopping. I think that I'm going to end up getting one from Canadian Tire - they have some really nice ones there. Here's a question for you all - what are the pros and cons about buying a prelit tree. What happens when a light burns out? Am I going to spend a week trying to find the one lightbulb that is making the entire tree not work? Some help here would be appreciated.

We are all signed up for Deal or No Deal. Auditions are in Calgary November 30 and December 1. I'm just waiting for the call to let us know that they want to see more of us. Is it bad that I have all the money that we are potentially going to win already spent in my head?
1. God gets his cut (What charity would you give money to if you won a bunch?)
2. Pay off the vehicles
3. Money to our parents
4. Buy a house (or at least put down a good down payment)
5. Go on cruise (My dream is to win enough to be able to bring friends/family with us)

Emerie is yelling and looking at me like - mommy why aren't you playing with me. Guess that's my cue to go.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Well I haven't posted some pictures in a long time and I have some so I'm gonna post some. I was going to post some before and after pictures of my parents renovations but I want to wait until my parents furniture gets in so I can show the finished product.
Here is a picture of daddy and his little girl. She's always so smiley.
Here's Papa and the grandkids. The kids left to right are - Emerie, Alanna, Avery, Ava, and Andrew - try saying that three times fast.
Ah, the three little angels. I think it's funny that Emerie is almost as big as Ava. In all fairness Ava is kind of the runt of the litter.
The happy family. With the tiniest hint of the renos in the background.
I would like to know why my husband and my offspring are so photogenic and I'm not. Jenn said that I'm supposed to turn my head so that my good side shows. I'd like to take a survey as to what my good side is. Until then I will live vicariously through my family and show this lovely picture of my sweet girl.
My sister is going to kill me for posting a picture of her with her eyes closed but it's the only one I have. Here she is with her family. It always amuses me that my mom's sister is married to a Jonny, as am I. My mom is married to a Ronnie, as is my sister (okay, they aren't married but they may as well be). Christmas at our house is so confusing.
I don't really have anything to talk about but they say a picture is worth a thousand words so this may be my best blog yet.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Okay so it's not Halloween anymore but I did promise pictures. Shawn sent these to me and I thought there was one of Alanna but apparently not.

I am completely aware of how dumb this picture is but I thought I would post it anyway to show that I as well was in the Halloween spirit. I am the Black Eyed Peas. I know, I'm so original.And here are Jonny and Shawn. They went as Shawn and Jonny, respectively.
Jonny is squating so that Shawn appears taller than him. See what I mean about the terrorist and powder thing? The sad part is that Jonny is just wearing my make up that I wear everyday. I knew I was pale but give me a break.

Monday, November 06, 2006

God's Busy Weekend

I was waiting until some pictures of Thanksgiving and Halloween were sent to me before I posted again, but way too much stuff has happened that needed to be blogged about.

Halloween was great - Jonny and Pastor Shawn (a white bald guy for those who don't know him) dressed up as eachother. It was great. Shawn looked like a terrorist and Jonny looked like Powder. I will post a picture as soon as Shawn emails one to me, which he has promised to do. Alanna dressed up as Snow White again this year and we did a little bit of trick or treating. Jonny and I bought a bag of candy that I don't really like so that I wouldn't be tempted to eat it and then we only had two trick or treaters come to the door so we have a huge bag of crappy candy that needs to be dealt with.

I have to say a HUGE congratulations to Riki who is 5 weeks preggo! Hooray! I can't help but think how hillarious it is that you are due the week before your brother's wedding. Especially since we were joking about you getting pregnant and being due for his wedding. HA HA!

This past weekend was one of the busiest weekends I've had in a long time. This weekend was YC (the christian youth conference) which of course Jonny and I volunteered at. I got to take some time out on Saturday to go to the Women's Journey of Faith conference. Then back to YC Saturday evening and again Sunday. Then Sunday evening Allan Jones spoke at Elim.
What's that? You want to know how everything went - OKAY!!!!

YC was good - honestly I didn't venture much farther than the info desk. I went far enough to go and check out a clothing table. I found a great sweater that I really wanted so I talked to my darling hubby and he liked the sweater so much that he bought two. One for me and one for him. So now we can be even more adorable than we already are. I remember swearing to myself that I would never have matching clothing with my husband - yet here I am.

I was supposed to go to Women's Journey of Faith Conference with Jonny's mom Flora and my sister in law Debbie. But Flora ended up getting really sick last week. She had water on her lung. It was so bad that she couldn't even answer the phone without huffing and puffing. She really didn't feel up to leaving the house despite how badly she really wanted to go. It turned out to be such a blessing because my sister took her ticket and came with us instead. You have no idea how thankful I am to God for working it out that Kellyn got to be there with me. I have been praying for my mom and my sister faithfully since I became a Christian. My sister wasn't sure if she believed in God but was under the impression that if there was a heaven you could get there just by being a good person. The Bible says that the only way to God the Father is through his son. Which means that being good just doesn't cut it. You need to ask Jesus to come into your heart and live your life for him. God promises that heaven is this great and wonderful place but I have a really hard time believing that's possible if my mom and my sister can't be there with me. While at the conference I was so sure that my sister was going to hand her life over to God right then and there and honestly I felt absolutely defeated when she didn't. BUT, God and I had a great talk that night and he has ensured me that a seed has been planted. After all I didn't become a Christian over night. It took me a full year of going to church faithfully to completely hand myself over. Lisa Bevere (the keynote speaker) was amazing. She was really funny at some times I felt like I was at a stand up comedy show. She really did her job well in teaching us how to be empowered women of God living along side men.

Okay I'm going to do a really quick explanation of the rapture for those who aren't quite up to speed. Jesus said that he would come again some day. When he comes he will come like a theif in the night and will take all of those who are Christians up to heaven with him. Those who are left behind are basically left to deal with the end of the world - which believe me I have no intention on sticking around for.
So Saturday night I have this crazy realistic dream that it happened. Today was the day that Jesus came and all those who were blessed to have lead their lives right disappeared to heaven. Just then I woke up. I'm laying in bed and I realize that Jonny isn't in bed with me. Well I can't tell you how panic striken I was. I thought I was left behind. I was on the verge of tears because I was so sure that my sins had been wiped away and I had been living my life the way that God really wanted me to. Then I heard Emerie start to cry and I thought - well that's not right. Jesus wouldn't have left the baby! Then Jonny walked into the room. That was the biggest sense of relief. I tell you it really made me take a hard look at my life to see what else I can do to ensure my salvation.

I need to touch quickly something that has occurred in the states in that past weeks, Pastor Ted Haggard who has been accused of buying crystal meth and have gay sex with a gay prostitute. First of all how humbling is that? This is a man who preached the word of God to thousands upon thousands of people. This incident has really taught me that no matter how "good of a christian" you are, you really need to keep your guard up. Satan is sly and will attack when you least expect it. Second of all I (who watch the View everyday and have always really enjoyed everyone on there) am sooooo furious with Rosie and Joy. They bring up Ted Haggard and APPLAUD!!!! I have so many thoughts running through my head about how furious I am about that I'm not sure how to even approach that. Christianity does not fall because of one man. Jesus is the head of the church not one person. This is a spiritual 911. Christians - this is not a time to turn our backs on Ted. None of us are without sin. He is God's child just like you and me and it should be at this time that we lift him up to God in prayer.

I'm going to end my blog on an extreme high note. I mentioned previously about how Jonny's mom has been really sick. On Sunday night Allan Jones (forgive me if I have the name wrong) was speaking at our church. His message is mainly on the healing power of God. Towards the end of the evening he was praying for the congregation and then he started calling out different things that maybe bothering people - sore necks, ankles and things like that. Then he says that there is someone here that has something wrong with their lung, their lungs are unable to fill with air. He even mentioned that it was just one lung. The only person in the room that raised their hand with this ailment was Flora. Allan asked her to take a deep breath and the holy spirit would fill her lung. At that moment she took a deep breath (her first deep breath in more than two weeks). After the service she was running around the church talking to people and was not out of breath once. I wasn't sitting with her during the service because my baby was acting up but from the lobby I was watching and as soon as he mentioned something about a lung I started to bawl. Jonny and I were so flabergasted by what had happened we stood in the parking lot holding eachother and crying for ten minutes. I talked to Flora this morning and she is still able to take deep breath today. This is honestly the most amazing thing that I have ever witnessed in my life. If I didn't believe in the amazing power of God before, I surely do now.

Praise God!

Friday, October 20, 2006

2 Good Nights Sleep

So my bed is all set up and I have slept on it 2 nights in a row. Not like I sleep anywhere else than in my bed at home. Anyways, I really like it. You know what the best part of having this bed is? Jonny and I are pretty much just starting out our marriage and before we got married we both lived with our parents. Getting this bed is like the first substantial piece of furniture that we've gotten that isn't second hand. I know most of you can probably understand my appreciation for new things. It isn't that I don't like my used/old furniture it just makes me feel like we are getting somewhere.

Well this weekend I am supposed to be in youth training all weekend but I'm not entirely sure if I'll make it or not. This morning I injured my back peeing. It's a complicated situation and not entirely appropriate for my blog. So I might have to get a massage or something, any recommendations on where to go (ha ha). Jenn I tried phoning you today but I can wait until after the weekend.

Have a good weekend all. Here is a picture that I posted earlier but in regular format. Emerie looks just like her daddy, except for those blue eyes and fair skin, of course.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Gig is Up

So October 12 was my 25th birthday. It was a great day. I had my Epicure party on that day and there was so much food. I love food. Lots of appy type stuff - makes my mouth water just thinking about it. And then a surprise from Jonny - he walks in with a HUGE birthday cake. I really truly was surprised. And let me tell you - since I've known Jonny it has almost become a joke between us - he has now only been able to surprise me twice. When he asked me to marry him and with this birthday cake. And truthfully and honestly it's not that I am sneaky and trying to find things out - I just find out.

So all week people have been asking me what I got for my birthday and I keep telling everyone the truth. Jonny and I don't exchange presents for birthdays, anniversaries or even Valentine's Day. We just haven't - and it's okay. Some people were shocked and appalled that we wouldn't exchange presents. I don't think it's a big deal but that's just me.

Anyways - like a month ago Jonny is working out the budget and I notice that he's really pinching pennies and I ask him what's up with that. He just says that he wants this birthday of mine to be extra special. Okay - so the only thing that I REALLY want and have been talking aobut for months now is this bed frame that I saw at Sleepers. So, duh, that's what he's got up his sleeve. As the month goes on Jonny buys me a John Mayer CD which is really great and I wanted and he says Happy Birthday. He tells me that he's sorry but this month is just really tight for money and he was planning on giving me the bed frame but we just can't do it right now. That's totally cool and I understand completely. It's not like we ever exchange presents anyway, right.

I had even talked to people that said "Jonny said he was getting you a bed frame for your birthday". And I still didn't clue in. I just wrote it off that Jonny had talked to them about it when he still though it was financially possible.

THEN - I am cleaning the bedroom and what, what is this? A receipt for a queen size cecilia "nv" bedstead, sienna in color from Sleeper's Mattress Factory. EEEEEEK!!!!!! So now I NEED to know when this thing is coming. So I phone Jonny and ask him "if I do laundry do you promise you'll put the clothes away (because he's really bad at not putting folded laundry away). And he says "today I absolutely promise". By the time Jonny came home I was so crazy with excitement I had to just come right out and say that I know about it. HOORAY!! It's coming today.

Jonny was disappointed because he thought that he finally pulled a really big surprise on me. But he laughed about it with me.

I'll post pictures when I can. I'm so excited I could pee.

Oh yeah - today I totally pulled a Jonny when changing a poopy diaper that did not belong to my own child.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Parenting 101

I know it's been less than 24 hours since my last blog. But because I am home alone I apparently feel the need to comment on everything I see on tv.

Firstly, I need to say that everyone has their own way of parenting, and one way is no better than the other. It really is whatever works best for you and your kids. BUT, this is how I feel.

I watched some talk show today and they talked about all aspects of parenting. First of all they had a panel of celebrity parents and then they had a child development crazy lady on. Spanking was the first topic and mostly everyone said that spanking was definitly the way to go. But then crazy lady voiced her opinion and she said that it's too much of a hassle to spank your kids. I personally find it quite conveniant but whatever. She said it was a hassle because if you spank your kid then your kid can go to school and tell someone that their parent spanked them and then you could get called in for a meeting with your school or social services or something. I don't think that you should be worried about your kid "telling on you" unless you are beating the crap out of them in which case they should be telling on you.

He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads other astray. (Proverbs 10:17)
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. (Proverbs 13:24)
Although I don't think I'd use a rod I think my man Solomon was pretty wise in his words.

Another topic that was brought up was spying on your children. Everyone agreed (including crazy lady) that spying on your children (ie. reading diaries, etc) was a good idea but the celebrities did not know how to do it while maintaining the kids trust. Then crazy lady said the best thing. She explains to her kids that they do not have the right to privacy until they are 18 and/or move out of the house. I am SO telling my kids that. I wouldn't tell my kids that I was reading their diary unless I found something really bad that needed intervention immediately. I would have been absolutely devastated if my parents read my diary. However, let's say, heaven forbid, your kid committed suicide and then when you are going through their things you find a diary that says all kinds of things about them being depressed, etc. Would you be able for forgive yourself for not reading the diary in the first place? I wouldn't.

THEN there was crazy lady #2 who was giving tips on potty training babies at 2 months. Give me a break - let your baby be a baby. Don't kids grow up too fast as it is?

I will tell another funny story about my comedic daughter, Alanna. Firstly, I will say that we are not a racist family whatsoever. For crying out loud supper at our house is like a UN meeting. However, this is a funny story.

Alanna went through a phase about two years ago where she really like coyboy and Indian movies. And truly believed that these types movies still existed in current day true life. (She still thinks that current day London is like Mary Poppins). Anyway we were in Walmart trying jeans on her in the change room and she looked up on saw that there was a grid like roof to the little room. She was why ceiling was like that and the first thing that popped to my mind was so that bad people didn't jump out and steal something. And she says, in her very loud five year old voice, "like Indians?". Well, was my face red. But I tell you, she is now one of the biggest advocates for First Nations equality.

Why did God make it so that kids embarass you at the worst time? Do you think Jesus ever acted up when he was 4? The Bible doesn't really talk about Jesus as a child. Do you think he ever had a temper tantrum, screaming "your not my father" at Jospeh in the middle of the market because he skipped a nap? Probably not. Although I suppose God still knows what it feels like to have your kids be mad at you and even turn against you completely. We do it all the time. Maybe we should think of our kids the next time we decide to blame God for something or deny knowing him. How would you feel if your children did that to you?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Number 20

This is post number 20. How exciting is that? I hope that I have been entertaining you all thus far (or at the very least keep you from absolute boredom).

I hope everyone had an excellent Thanksgiving weekend. Friday night was a typical night for us. That means we were at youth group. Shawn was playing hooky so Jonny lead things. Okay, Shawn wasn't really playing hooky - he has a new baby - but honestly it's not like HE had the baby. ;)

Saturday night Jenna and Kyle came over with their kids. I have so say Kayden was such a sweety, he played so nicely by himself (Alanna was gone for the night). For that matter there wasn't a peep out of Haylie either. It was really nice having them over. It was a long time coming.

Sunday night my cousin Sarah (who is now in the final eight of the Icon thingy at Beily's) was singing. So my whole family (except for Jonny and I) went and watched. It was actually okay that we didn't go because my cousin Taylor (who is under age) came over for a sleepover and a movie night.

We had our feast on Monday and it was great. We had it in Mom and Ron's newly renovated kitchen. My mom is sending me before and after pics so that I can post them once it is 100% finished. The furniture has not yet arrived so Jonny and I borrowed tables and chairs from the church. It was great that all thirteen of us were able to eat at one long table. Oh, and the food, ah the food. I love Thanksgiving. I give thanks for Thanksgiving.

Monday evening we went to Chapman's and hung out for a while. Jonny is absolutely addicted to a card game called Bugger Your Neighbor, so we played that with the Chapmans (Shawn, Lisa and Shawn's parents).

And now it's Tuesday. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON! No, Tuesday morning coffee throws off my whole week. However, I did go shopping and found some amazing deals on kids clothing. For all those moms out there - a new sale just started at The Children's Place today. Everything that is on sale has an additional 50% off. I got some knit long sleeve diaper shirts for only $4. I love a good deal.

Well, that's all for my 20th blog. I hope you all enjoyed the recap of my weekend.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Just Venting - I'm Sorry

I came here with this big long shpeal in mind. Wanting to blog about how old I feel lately. In the last year and a half I've become a wife and had another baby. It's really hitting home just now that I am 25 years (in a week) and I am a wife and mother of TWO. I'm not in the best shape, although that's not really my problem and I'm not doing anything to fix it so I can't really complain about it. I've gotten my hair done, what, three times in the past four months? And it always ends up looking the same. I started to think that maybe I just needed a few cocktails because I remember feeling pretty sexy when I used to do that every night. (ha)

Then last night I was reading Psalms before bed and I came across Psalms 147:10-11.

His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man, the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Okay, so God doesn't care what I look like, I suppose that would make sense. And I'm pretty sure that my friends and family aren't horrified to be seen with me in public (I'm sure that I would have heard about it). So why do I care so much? I'm pretty sure the Bible says a bunch of stuff about being vain and what not. I'm trying to take the Christian approach and so I've been sticking with my Bible, secretly hoping that it contains the secret to eternal gorgeousness. I have a woman's Bible where different women have written their opinions on different topics. There is like 8 different authors touching on beauty, all of them saying stuff like your true beauty is within, blah, blah, blah. If I was only interested in internal beauty with myself I would be a stinkin runway model (ha ha). If I keep checking I'll probably end up finding something somewhere that tells me to get off my lazy ars and actually do something about it instead of sitting on my computer blogging about it.

I blame the media entirely. If there wasn't soooo much on tv about how to look younger, thinner, hipper, etc, etc I'm sure every woman in the world would be a little bit happier, except for those who seem to continually pull it off, I wish I was one of them.

Ah. You must know that despite my recent obsession with my less than perfect hair cuts that I have been receiving lately I am not depressed about it or anything, it's just what I've been thinking alot about lately. I think I need a new stylist because I believe that my current salon is not quite getting my issue. There is the possibility that I'm not getting my issue, it just occurred to me that it may not be the haircut that is the problem at all maybe I need a stylist that can show me how to style my hair.

I know, this is the most boring blog ever. I'm really just venting to myself. Hey, is anyone up for just a day of pampering? Marvel or Marca does manicures and pedicures for pretty cheap. That reminds me - formula test day #3 - wish me luck!

Well I should put at least one brief tale narrating an interesting or amusing biographical incident. (I looked up the correct spelling for anecdote) Here's one about Alanna.

Setting: I'm getting ready to go out to clothing club and I am assisting Jonny in making supper for Alanna before I go. Alanna is playing but apparently eavesdropping.

Leah: So, I'm not sure how late I'm going to be tonight.
Jonny: If I'm sleeping when you come home wake me up.
Leah: OOOO, I wonder how I could do that. (wink, wink)
Alanna: Spit in his ear!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Holy Babies Batman!

Hooray! The babies are here.

Congratulations to Lisa, Shawn and Jachin for welcoming Anaya into their family. She was born on Saturday and is now healthy and at home. I went and saw her yesterday and she is so round. I have never seen a baby with a perfectly round head before. She is so pretty with her rosey cheeks and her strawberry blonde hair.

Congratulations to Jenna, Kyle and Kayden for welcoming Haylie (I hope I spelled her name correctly) into their family. She was also born on Saturday just hours before Anaya. I haven't seen her in person yet but by her pictures she looks soooo much like her big brother.

Also, when I was on my way to see the babies in the hospital I discovered that Mel and Carl (they lived across the hall from us in the apartment) had their baby on Friday. I hope I'm getting this right, I'm pretty sure they named their baby girl Daysia - isn't that cool? She is sooo tiny. It's not very often you see babies under 7lbs anymore.

I went to the doctor yesterday so I could be put on birth control (I know, more info than you probably needed but it is vital for my story). He won't prescribe me any because he can't confirm that I'm not pregnant right now. Doesn't that sound fun? I hope you noted the sarcasm in my typing. I've decided that if I am, that's cool. But I have also decided that if I'm not, I am soooo done having babies. I do not make a good pregnant person. Anyways, I'll keep you all posted on that. My gut feeling is that I am not, so lets not get silly about it.

For those of you who are interested in finding different supper ideas, or just want to come and hang out and eat yummy food- I am having an Epicure party on October 12. For those of you who haven't tried Epicure I warn you - come with an empty tummy.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Out of the Depths

I'll bet I've washed that dish a million times! My kitchen sink seems like a hole that I keep falling into and I can't escape from. I wonder how many spoons and forks I've washed in the last ten years? And the laundry basket. It's perpetually full! I'll bet I could go to the dryer anytime, day or night, and find at least ten ragged towels, six wrinkled shirts, and twenty-three socks, five of which have no mate. Who cares?

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. (Psalm 130:1-2)

Am I in the depths? Is this utter despair? I don't think so, but it is definitely uncomfortable. I'm having the blahs.

Out of my blahs I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice; Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.

That's my translation! Sometimes I have trouble relating to the trials and tragedies that drove God's people of the Old Testament to cry to him for deliverance. The make my own trials seem unimportant in comparison. But today I think God is telling to to stop comparing and to realize that the depressions and setbacks I experience are just as important to him as the conflicts and moral dilemmas faced by people in the Bible times. They were is children, and he heard their voices and led them out of the depths. I also am his child, and he hears my voice and will lead me out of my depths. Go dis as eager to hear my pleas as he was to hear theirs.

My Lord cares! He cares when I feel like a failure. He cares when I feel as if all my education and training have led me to nothing but a sinkful of dishes. I think he smiles when I mop up spilled milk at each meal. I think he smiles when he hears a resounding "Yuck" in response to a new recipie I tried. He smiles and give me gentle words of encouragement.
- Janice Kempe

How fitting for a day of house work at the Gibson residence.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Temptation

So I had the biggest anxiety attack of the year on Saturday, right before Riki's wedding. Imagine being in a room filled with people on "Andy's side", Jonny and I being forced to co-parent with Andy and his fiance at the same time as them. When we walked into the church I swear I heard everyone whisper at the same time "Is that Leah?". I nearly threw up. But you know what? Literally as soon as the wedding was over and all throughout the evening we had aunts, uncles and grandparents coming up to us, greeting us with hugs and how are yous. The dance was not uncomfortable at all. When introducing the wedding party Alanna was even introduced as Alanna Denise Ollivier Gibson (even though her name change is not legalised yet). Jonny and I felt very well respected. Thank you to Riki and your family!

More importantly, the wedding was beautiful. It was really great to see one of my good friends from high school get married. Congratulation's Riki. Riki's dress was absolutely stunning. And if I do say so myself, and I do, Alanna was absolutely adorable. I, of course, forgot my camera so I might have to convince Riki to send me some pictures (I'm sure someone there had her camera) so I can post them.

HA HA! I'm watching the Megan Mullaly show and there is something dreadfully wrong with the reception and everyone sounds like Jack's impression of Cher. If you watch Will and Grace you'll understand that. It's like a train wreck, I just can't stop watching.

One thing that has being weighing heavy on my heart lately is that there has been a lot of people that knew the "old Leah" that seem to just not get the fact that I've changed. I have to say that it is not easy being a Christian in today's world. Especially for me, I feel. I feel like if I was to tempt myself and go to the places that I used to frequent it would be all too easy for me to revert back to the "old Leah".

I'm going to use pieces of a story I once read. You should know the whole story.

Satan is very clever. Always his strategy is to confuse reality, to make evil seem good. he knows Eve is living in all the splendor of Eden, with all of her needs met. How do you get at someone who is contented with good?

I suppose the temptation has been replayed again and again in the history of the human race, and probably in each of our lives. The specifics are different, but the strategy is often the same. How many times has the serpent tempted you to think, "A good God wouldn't keep me from this, would he? Here take this apple and eat it." The serpent won his encounter with the woman. She took the fruit and gave some to her husband. It will be a long time before another one will say, "Take and eat,".

Satan uses an occasion or a person to tempt us to fall; God uses the same to try us and make us stronger.

On that note - A shout out to my girl Jenn on getting baptised on Sunday. In your renewal with God, my faith was renewed as well.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Last night at was Emerie's baby shower at Lisa's house. Thank you soooo much Lisa for hosting it. I had such a good time. I really like getting presents (especially for baby). Alanna was tickled pink that Ethan, Grace and Jachin had thought of her and bought her a little gift as well. Alanna was so well behaved at one point I actually forgot that she was there. It's true, some of the other ladies had to ask me if I was intending on feeding Alanna. In my defense I have been feeling sick this week and am not completely myself. I'll talk more about this in a second. Back to what I was saying though, we didn't here a peep from Alanna the whole night except for when she caught her hair in a tent zipper and Shawn came and asked me if we should cut her hair or not. Luckily her hair did come out of the zipper quite easily. Jonny and I are going to the wedding as well. I'm excited to see Riki get married. She will be the fourth person (to my knowledge) who has gotten married from our group of friends from high school. Also I always love a chance to show off my fabulous family and my fabulous life to old friends from Melfort. They are always soooo surprised to find out that I am a Christian now.

Okay, back to me being a bad parent. Yesterday I woke up not feeling very well and Emerie had, had not such a good night of sleep. She was so cranky during the night that I actually moved Alanna down to the couch so that she would not wake up from the sounds of her sister. I am now babysitting during the day once in a while and yesterday was once in those whiles and in all the commotion of the morning I completely forgot to make Alanna a lunch for school. I ended up having to call Jonny's mom to make Alanna a lunch and bring it to her at school. I felt like such a tool.

Today we wake up for another not so restful night of sleep and Emerie and Alanna are now sick as well. Emerie clearly has a stuffy nose but I can't see anything to get out of her nose so she just sounds very flemmy. I'm not entirely sure how Alanna is sick because she isn't really showing any symptoms of anything but I suppose it is possible for her just not to feel well. There is no school today and so I am expected to entertain her. I always feel kind of bad when I just stick her in front of the tv all day because I just don't have the energy to do anything. Maybe if I take her grocery shopping she'll think that is fun.

This picture was sent to me by my mom. Apparently she likes to play with her photoshop and this was her creation. I know this because I phoned her and asked her if it was supposed to look like that. Yes, it is supposed to look like that. I think Emerie looks very Gerber babyish.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


BOO YAH! Please see below for where this picture should show up. I'm just happy about this because the only way that I could get this in here is by using my amazing Edit Html techniques.
Just one note - I just saw Fergie on The View singing London Bridge. I don't think I care for that song at all.

Anyways, so this weekend was the youth retreat at Quest bible camp at Christopher Lake. It rained ALL weekend. I don't mean it was spitting so we didn't want to go outside. It was raining so we couldn't go outside. Okay so the kids were outside for literally five minutes and in the lake no less. Crazy teenagers.

As it turns out God really knew what he was doing, the rain was such a blessing. I feel like I got to know each and every student on some level. There were some students that I had some really good heart to heart conversations with and feel like I really connected with, which I didn't get to last year. Because we were cooped up in the cabin all weekend we played a lot of games, including the four hour game of risk that I got second place in. This was my first time ever playing risk and I thoroughly enjoyed it. During this game of risk I called one kid by the wrong name throughout the whole thing. You think anyone corrected me? Not until the end.
So PS's message was about truth (T-Mobile aka truth on the go) which if you ask me is entirely appropriate. My cell group starts up tonight. In theory. It's a lot harder to get teenagers to commit that you'd think. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to my cell this year. It gives me a chance to address issues with the students that may not be appropriate to talk about in a larger group or around those stinkin' boys. Let's face it, boys are the root of most of our problems, right ladies?

I did end up bringing Emerie with me to the lake. Like I had the option to leave her. She did a lot better than I expected her to. She slept through the night both nights. I'm sure Danica, Alishia, and Kaylene were pleased with that as they did share a room with me. (For those of you who don't know these people they are Grade 12 students). I wonder what Emerie thought of all those crazy teenagers running around this weekend?

ARGH! I have a cute picture of Emerie that I wanted to insert here but for some reason it will not let me upload the picture. I'll keep trying to post it in future blogs.

Question of the day - Why is it that when other people make coffee it smells so good but when I make it, it smells like tar?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Microwaved Marshmallows

So yesterday I learned that you should never, ever, under any circumstances microwave marshmallows. Why I never heard that this was a bad thing before I do not know. Would you believe that instead of the marshmallow melting into a gooey delicious sundae topping it grows bigger and bigger until the inside of your microwave is completely covered in a yucky mess. And it is not easy to clean by any means. If you take a rag and try to wipe it off all it does it latch onto the rag (while still holding on to the microwave) and stretch so that your mess just grows. I seriously considered just buying a new microwave.

So my drapes from E-Bay finally arrived yesterday. Exciting? These were the blinds where I won the auction while Chapmans and Barnstables were over and we all cheered. I believe this was like a month and a half ago, at least. I thought it was enough time to receive them in the mail before we moved. We received the receipt for the purchase but we never saw anything come off the VISA for them. I really did get to the point where I thought they were never going to come. And honestly I stopped caring. But low and behold we get a phone call from the new tennants of the apartment saying that we had some mail to pick up and what, what - A parcel? The only dilemma I have now is that I have put my old drapes up in the living room and I kind of like them (for now). So I think that I'm going to put them up in the bedroom, which means that I need to rework in my head how I want my bedroom to look ultimately.

Hooray! I received an email from my auntie today and she tells me that my little cousin Scott (who is only a year younger than me) and his wife are now expecting their first baby! This is one of those moments where it really hits home that I'm no longer a kid. Do any of you have those feelings like your life isn't really real? I mean, it seems to me sometimes that my life isn't real and that I'm just playing dress up or make believe. Kind of like when you played house with your friends when you were a kid.

So it looks like summer has finally drawn to a close. Honestly my personal body temperature has been so out of wack since having Emerie. I finally feel like the weather had cooled off enough to allow me to be comfortable. Thank the Lord!!!

So I just googled the word temperature to make sure that I spelled it right. Did you know that there is a chat forum just about temperature? How much can be discussed about temperature that really requires a whole chat forum? It's like when you come home from work do you come in the door and say - you know what I need, is a good temperature conversation. I hope to get at least twenty different opinions about how rainy it is today. Oh please *SNORE*. You ask people about the weather when you don't have anything interesting enough to say to initiate a real conversation.

It's amazing what I can get myself worked up over.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I can tell you already I'm going to get in soooo much trouble for writing this blog. Just so you all know I have a bad habit of misrepresenting what I really mean to say by saying something silly (what I mean is, it comes out wrong).

Aren't you all kind of sick of hearing about this whole 9/11 thing? Don't get me wrong - this particular terrorist attack ranks right up there with one of the worlds most horrific events. But really are the terrorists winning by how paranoid everyone sounds during this time of year? Does anyone know the date of the whole Pearl Harbor thing? Does Rememberance Day get this much publicity? Even during Easter you don't hear any public announcements that the day only occurs because Jesus Christ was crucified and then rose from the dead. Granted 9/11 was only five years ago but honestly I never heard of the anniversary for the Oklahoma City bombing. I'm being completely incencitive aren't I? My opinion is that - yes, we all know that it happened, how could anybody forget it? There should be a ceremony at ground zero and of course a mention in the news and radio, etc., but do we need a week of movies and addresses to instill even more fear into people? Now, I feel I must say that I do not know all of the politics behind everything that is said and done in the states and so my opinion could definately be completely out of line. And of course I would probably feel differently if it was my family and friends that were involved but today just being me, this is my opinion. You all hate me now, right?

On a lighter and slightly less serious note - Big Brother ends tomorrow. Although I will be sad that it is ending it's probably a good thing (only because I'll come up with something else to obsess about in my blogs).

I have nothing else to write about. I think that I've probably gotten myself in enough trouble already tonight so I'll keep the rest of my obnoxious opinions to myself (or at least until next time).

Friday, September 08, 2006

Moving On Up

Anyone who has ever moved can probably rejoice with me in the fact that I am all settled in. I must say, I really enjoy my new place. Despite the few minor set backs that have come up since arriving here.
#1 - The old tennants did not clean the carpets. This sucked because they were smokers and had a dog. Yuck! But the landlord did hire professional carpet cleaners to come in and clean the carpets within three days of us moving in so that made that better. Oh yeah, because he couldn't get into the basement because of all the boxes he gave us the $30 it would have cost him to have that cleaned.
#2 - The old tennants left a heap of junk in the back alley. Now when I say a heap of junk I do not mean trash. I mean a BBQ, one of those old tvs which is built into its stand, a cab for the box of a truck, a dresser, a mirror, a shelving unit, a sand box, a broken extension cord, and sliding doors for a shower. Jonny ended up taking most of it to the dump himself with the help of Dave. The cool thing about this was that it would have cost the landlord $40 to hire someone to take it away so he just gave us the $40.
#3 - Alanna now has a new bus route, hence new bus driver. It only took a full week of school for them to contact us - correction for us to finally get a hold of them - to find out where her pickup was. It took me phoning FirstBus who told me to phone the school which I did (twice) who then told me to phone FirstBus again because apparently alot of parents where having this problem. So I phoned FirstBus again and THEN they had the bus driver call me. BUT, Alanna doesn't need to cross a single street to get to her stop so she can go by herself.
#4 - I bought a box of 48 ice cream cones and when I opened the box there was only 16 cones in the box. There is no positive outcome to this story, this one just sucks.

But all in all things are great! Thank you so much for those you helped move us and those of you who kept me occupied when I was trying to avoid packing, you have been such a blessing to us.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This, That and the Other Thing

Today is moving day, hooray! I figured I better write a blog because I will have no internet until the 7th. AH! I just realized that I wont have cable either, someone will need to tape Big Brother for me. Unless...Can I get Big Brother on farmer vision? Anyways, yes, today is moving day. I'm having a little bit of anxiety about the move. I'm a little nervous what is to be found under my furniture when people start moving things out. Because my house has been filled with boxes for the last two weeks I haven't vaccuumed and we've been wearing shoes in the house because it's dirty anyways. On top of that - who really vaccuums under their furniture anyways? For those of you who are helping to move us - please don't judge me.

Today is the first day that school is back in. I've been good with being home with Alanna all summer - until just this week. They have this back to school business timed out just perfectly. The only thin g I'm worried about is that without her here I'm going to turn into some kind of a sloth because I won't be worried about keeping her entertained during the day so she doesn't drive me nuts. She's such a big girl, grade 2 already. Can you believe it? She was only 4 when I met Jonny. Sometimes it feels like I haven't known him that long, even though so much has happened since then.

OOOO, I know something cool that I did this week. Tuesday night we went on that boat/ferry thing that goes up and down the river and we had supper on the boat. Spadina Industries (where Jonny works) footed the bill for everyone to go. I suppose it was everything you could hope for, for going from the Mendel Art Gallary to the Idylwyld bridge and back. I imagine it would be better if there wasn't seadoos all over the place making waves if you know what I mean.

I meant to post a picture of our entire wedding party with those other wedding pictures but I was neglectful in doing so. Here it is for my own peace of mind.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Weekend

Well thank the Lord my packing is all done. It feels like I've been packing forever. Oh well, it'll all be worth it in the end.

You know, when I'm packing my mind tends to wander and this is what I came up with this time.
- If there are apes walking around today and we are obviously here today and if we supposedly evolved from apes, why isn't there creature's in between apes and humans walking around?
- How long can I continue to use the "I just had a baby" excuse for my mood swings and hot flashes?

Probably a good thing it isn't packing that I did all weekend, right? We also were at Tim and Jenn's Sunday night for a bon fire. It's kind of sad to know that the summer is coming to an end and the bon fire weather will be ending with it. On the other hand, I remember as a kid after going down hill sledding we would have a weiner roast out in the snow. Hmmm, I think that is something we'll have to do this winter. Just proves that it's never too cold for a bon fire.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Wedding Pics

I'm just posting wedding pictures because I finally found my saved copies.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Immunization Day

The question everyone keeps asking has finally been answered. Emerie, at 2 1/2 months, is now weighing in at 13lbs 11oz. The funny thing is that the health nurse said that although her weight and length are in the 97 percentile (whatever that means) she is a little underweight for her length.

She had her two month immunization today and she's just not the same. Everytime I come in the room a look of fear comes over her face.

Actually the whole proceedure went over pretty well. She was deservingly upset with me for a little while but she's pretty much back to normal now.

Eeek! Big Brother is now on, I can't blog and watch reality t.v. at the same time.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Random Thoughts

First of all, although not many add comments I was glad to hear that I have a few more readers than just Jenn.

Today there was a youth house party at the Eagle's. I have to say I enjoyed myself. All I really did was watch Big Brother with Kristen, Kevin, Jonny and various other people that happened to pass through the room. All I have to say about that is booooo Jeanelle! Evs.

I do have happy news. Our apartment has been rented out so I won't have to pay double rent for September, woo hoo!

Tomorrow is spray park day. Really I think that this day is more for the moms than the kids. I really look forward to the spray park.

What's that? Another picture you say? Well, if you insist. I really can't believe how big the girls are getting. And just because everyone keeps asking, Emerie will be weighed on Thursday.

Hmmm. I have nothing else to say. Until next time....

Monday, August 21, 2006

I Hate Packing

Now I don't know how everyone else attacks moving but there seem to be some people shocked that I started packing for my move 2 1/2 weeks before the move. Need I remind some of these people that I not only have a 2 month old who needs my undivided attention at some points but also a 7 year old with what seems to be an endless list of needs and questions. Silliness.

Also, I am not the best packer in the world. Packing is not a task that I enjoy that much and so really I am lucky if I get three boxes packed in a day. Actually this weekend I think I packed three boxes in total. (I do have to give myself credit though that I have put together about 5 or so garbage bags of stuff for Community Living.) My goal is to have EVERYTHING packed up by this weeked (one week early) and I will just eat off of paper plates if need be. For some reason every time I move I think that I have everything packed up but then as things start making their way out of the house I discover about 4 more boxes of stuff left to pack, but no boxes to put them in. Hence the early deadline strategy.

As much as I dislike packing I am really looking forward to the move. I really do like putting things away after a move.

Anyways, I am recommending to all my readers to go to the Swinnerton's fundraiser just for the music alone. I went to the practice last night and it was phenominal, very swanky. You guys should start touring. (I am aware that Jenn is probably my only reader, but just in case the recommendation stays).

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Benji! Benji! Benji!

What an amazing ending to such an amazing show. So You Think You Can Dance, season two, came to an ending today and HOORAY, Benji is the winner. I have been rooting for Benji since his original audition in Los Angeles. His phenominal techinical skills, humerous personality and boyish good looks proved to make a winning combination. Truth be told though that it was none of these things that won me over. His story is, he has been a dancer obviously for his whole life. When he decided to devote two years to missionary work he decided to quit all dancing during that time. At the end of the two years he auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance, and won.
I am not emotionally stable enough for reality television. I am way too involved.

Anyways, I've been going through the various rooms in my house and throwing all the things that I don't think that I will ever need again. I have thrown out 4 garbage bags full of stuff so far. My parents are remodeling their house and so I am also taking the rest of my stuff out of their place that hadn't made it out yet. I now have more stuff in my house than what I started with.

By the way, I still need to find someone to rent the apartment we are in right now or we are going to have to pay rent for next month, boooooo. Rent is $650 (despite what I previously wrote down).

Before I go I need to brag about my baby. Emerie is now sleeping through the night at 9 1/2 weeks old.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Angels Among Us???

So, this is a discussion that Jonny and I have been having recently. Let me know what you think.

The Bible says that we entertain angels without knowing. I wonder if I have ever come across an angel. I definately know a lot of people with some angelic qualities, but an actual angel I am not sure.

Looking back there is one person that stands out in my mind. In November of 2003 I met a person at the bar of all places who I remember having such a mysterious nature about them. I was on a horrible blind date at Overdrive (think Screech from Saved by the Bell) and a young lady came to my rescue by telling me to dance with the man behind me, which was Jonny. She then disappeared, along with my date. Neither Jonny or I ever knew them or saw them again. Even if she wasn't an angel, I still like to think that there was something divine about Jonny and I getting together.

On Oprah the other day there was a little boy who was stabbed by his father and he told Oprah that angels not only told him to play dead when his father was around but also lifted him up to use the phone so that he could call 911.

Another story is one where a boy watched his parents being killed and when brought to the police station he saw a picture on the wall of Jesus Christ. When he saw the picture he stated that that was the man who was holding his hand while his parents were being killed.

How miraculous it is to know that God has a whole army looking out for us whether our needs are small or large.

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Good News

My baby is home! After 10 excruciating days Alanna is finally home. She was at Jan Lake with her father's family for her birthday. I don't know how I managed to part with her for her birthday but I did it. We had a little birthday party for her this evening which was a great way to welcome her home. I missed her so much!

We got the approval on the duplex that we applied for. Hooray!! It's a 4 bedroom and it has a rumpus room for all of Alanna's toys and such. We have posession as of September 1st. If anyone wants to volunteer their services as movers we will gladly accept. By the way if anyone is or knows of anyone looking for an apartment I have a fabulous 2 bedroom plus den for only $600 a month.

I am throwing in a picture of my beautiful family for your viewing pleasure (Jonny isn't flexing that's just the way his arm is, ha ha). I love my family so much. I have really been blessed to have them in my life and I really have God to thank for everything that we have - family, friends and everything else.

**Note: I'll post a picture of myself if I ever come across one that I like.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Blogging Virgin

So, I finally visited my first blog page today (if that's what you even call this). It has inspired me to create one of my own. Because I am a stay at home mom and rarely get to talk to adults during the day (besides yelling at Oprah) I imagine this will turn into more of a venting outlet rather than anything inspiring. It's really tough to predict at this point though. I guess the thing to do would be to keep checking in to see how things turn out.