Thursday, November 30, 2006

One Of Those Days

Oh, the sweet smell of my hazelnut coffee. It takes forever to brew - maybe I shouldn't stand there watching, but nothing is on my mind but that first sip of caffeine. Making just enough for one cup because I can't wait long enough for more to brew. Ah, atlast it is finished. Vanilla creamer and a teaspoon of sugar. I can't wait. That first sip - hmm tastes a little funny. Oh for the love of... From now on we don't keep the formula powder and the sugar bowl so close together. Now I have to wait for another cup to brew. I hope this isn't a forshadowing of the rest of my day.

Have a good one everyone!


Megan said...

that's funny. we have one of those funky coffee makers at work where you just stick the little container of coffee in the machine and press the button and you have an awesome cup of coffee in 10 seconds. I love it.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmm coffee...... 3:35 pm seems like a perfect time to run down to tim's just down the escalator!

Anonymous said...

Haha, that was funny!! Have you always been a coffee drinker, or have you just begun the habit? Just curious.

Leah said...

I started drinking coffee when I started working at the police station. Before that, not since high school.