Thursday, March 15, 2007

Purple People Eater

As promised here are the pictures of Alanna and her purple hair. I'm not sure you can tell how purple it really is but it's darn close. I just love her to bits.

Here's an old picture of Emerie I found. This was at her dedication. Can you believe how much she has changed!?


Jenna said...

i love alanna's hair. u shoulda done yours too!! and that last paragraph on your previosu blog is exaclty why i dont think i want any more kids.

Miss Gina said...

Ohmigosh those are the cutest pictures of Alanna...especially the one of her in the green dress. I love her purple hair. She's such a gorgeous girl.

I can't believe Emerie's hair in that picture! No curls! I hope her curls last forever!

Miss Gina said...

Ohmigosh those are the cutest pictures of Alanna...especially the one of her in the green dress. I love her purple hair. She's such a gorgeous girl.

I can't believe Emerie's hair in that picture! No curls! I hope her curls last forever!

Miss Gina said...

Ohmigosh those are the cutest pictures of Alanna...especially the one of her in the green dress. I love her purple hair. She's such a gorgeous girl.

I can't believe Emerie's hair in that picture! No curls! I hope her curls last forever!

Miss Gina said...

Oops...I somehow posted that comment three times.

Megan said...

cute, cute, cute. your kids are adorable. I kinda want purple hair like Alanna's.

kristin janzen said...

i love the hair! its so cute. you totally should do yours the same color!

have i mentioned i love the new look? i do!

Anonymous said...

shes so grown! and so pretty :) i miss our nans :) i just did pinky streaks in sammi's hair and she loved em.. i love those girl/mom moments!

and ems changes every time i see her pics.. i can't wait to see her kiddo persona :)


tmosh said...

it's so crazy the difference!!