Monday, March 26, 2007

Single Black Male

I am posting an advertisement for my single friend Torry.

This guy is just the sweetest guy ever. He orchastrated a great day for me and my hubby's anniversary. He arranged for babysitting and cooked up a fiest in our house (which was a complete surprise to me until I stepped into my house to change for going out for supper) and treated us to a movie afterwards. What a doll! So to all those single ladies out there you better snatch him up quick because he is quite a catch.

Okay I'll stop that now, I am preparing myself for the reprucussions of blogging such a blog. Mwahaha mwahaha mwahaha!


Anonymous said...

If only I wasn't married!!!

Just Me said...

Funny story..At first glance I was like who is that nice looking man on Leah's blog?...did I click on the wrong blog?....oh, it's I feel I accidentally just kissed my brother or something...not that have a brother....I suppose 'brotha' would work...hee hee hee

kristin janzen said...

how nice of torry! i'm very impressed! happy anniversary yesterday!

kristin janzen said...

p.s. oh yes, and i'm not single. just to make that clear for all those lurkers...

Anonymous said...

hmm.. i would naturally make the assumption i am way too evil and set in my ways to meet your hottie friends :) but thanks for the share..hes a cutie


Anonymous said...

well... i think i am way too me to offer up myself in the running to date one of your friends.. but he is a cutie!!
