Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dear Anonymous

I feel that I should address yesterday's comment made by an anonymous blogger. Although the comments didn't hurt me in anyway I still found them to be extremely rude.

My seven year old daughter has had some experience with bullies lately and so I have often referred to my mothers advice when I was a kid. I'm sure many of you were given the same advice where your attacker is just jealous of you. It's so true. Now I am definately no saint and I have made fun and even went as far as to bully someone else. When I think back to the occassions where I had been incredibly rude to someone I was usually making fun of the pretty or popular girl or the girl who was dating the boy that I wanted to be dating. So after thinking about this I am a little bit flattered by yesterday's comments. Obviously this person found something in my blog's or something about me (if they know who I am) and because of this they felt the need to try to tear me down. I know that Kristin and Jenna, two friends of mine, had anonymous comments on their blogs as well and really I can't think of any real reason why someone would want to tear them apart either unless it was jealousy.

Whoever you are I think that you are nothing but a coward. Anonymous, I challenge you to say who you are. If you are someone that I know, get it out in the open. If you are some random person then what does it really matter. I do want you to know that regardless of who you are I do forgive you and I have said a prayer for you. I'm sorry that you are in a place in your life where you feel the need to try and tear people down to make yourself feel better. I want you to know that God is there for you and if you let him he will help you get to know him and in turn help you get to know yourself. When that happens I think you will find that you are not as nasty as you appear to be. I think you will find the good in yourself and others around you. When that day comes I invite you to comment on my blog again.

Clara Barton, the founder ot he American Red Cross, was reminded one day of a vicious deed that someone had done to her years before. But she acted as if she had never heard of the incident.
"Don't you remember it?" her friend asked.
"No," came Barton's reply. "I distinctly remember forgetting it."

Friday, January 26, 2007

Spending Money

Ever notice how I binge and purge when it comes to blogging? lol I really don't have anything on my mind today but Riki was apparently bored with Ellen and Gladys so this is soley for her.

Hmmm, let's see. I won clothing club on Tuesday which was very exciting for me. Jesus and I had a chat before clothing club and it was decided that if I won then I would use the money to buy a membership at a gym. Apparently it's God's will that I get back in shape. So yesterday was my first day at Curves. I never would have signed up there if I didn't have that lump sum of money to spend. Can you believe that it is $199 just to sign up, plus $45 a month after that. The have a deal on right now where it was only $147 to sign up and I get the first month free, so that softened the blow. But what a delightful little place that is. Right off the bat I knew one person there that I used to work with. But then the lady that was showing me how to use the equipment knew me from when Jonny and I ran our little party business. Actually, her friend was Jonny's stalker (seriously), but I didn't bring that up. But I really did enjoy the workout, it's very different than going to the gym and being scared of all the machines and all the gynetically altered people using them.

In other news - the new Walmart is now open. Wow! Even if you do not live on this side of the city, it is worth the trip across. This is probably the biggest store I have ever been in, in my whole life. I was on a mission when I went there so I didn't get to really explore, but I think a day trip is in order. I particularly enjoyed checking myself out. The only frustrating part was standing in line to check myself out - honestly, some people should not be allowed around technology of any kind, and they should know who they are. And there is no counter to place your items on so if you have quite a bit of things to purchase, please spare everyone else and go to a regular check out.

Time for a quiz? I think so.

Your Slanguage Profile

Canadian Slang: 75%

British Slang: 50%

Aussie Slang: 25%

Southern Slang: 25%

New England Slang: 0%

Prison Slang: 0%

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ellen Calls Gladys

It's Not Easy Being Green

I feel like I haven't connected with anyone in a couple of days. Do you ever feel really lonely even when you are surrounded by people? I took a blog quiz today to brighten my mood. It was really accurate I thought. It uses your astrological sign so be warned, but it was fun never the less.

Your Rising Sign is Gemini

You often feel torn between two dominant personalities.
Sometimes you're adaptable and friendly; other times indecisive and unsure.

No matter what, you're the life of the party or conversation.
Witty and talkative, you entertain with your stories and gossip.

It's a bit difficult for you to finish what you start - jobs, friendships, relationships...
There's so much you want to try. You often bite off more than you can chew.

So I went to Saskatoon Business College and graduated from there in 2002. Now SBC is having their 100 year anniversary. I'm intrigued about this little shindig because I've never been to a school reunion type thingy. Here's my dilemma - My school term at the school was only 9 months. I am still in contact with only two people that went there. Althought neither of them were in any of my classes, nor did they even attend at the same time as me. The cost of the tickets are $60. Is it worth it to spend $60 on an event of this type?

My New Years resolution was to loose weight (just like the rest of the world). But the second part to my resolution is to not be sad if I don't. So from here on the code name for fat will be green. After my childhood icon Kermit the Frog, who had body issues of his own. So I told my parents that I wanted to join Curves because it seems to have worked for so many people that I know and everyone loves it. My Dad(Ron) asked me if I was having a mid life crisis. To which my mother followed up with don't waste your money. I'm not sure what to think of these words of advice and encouragement.

Heroes starts up again on Monday night. This is a good thing.

So because The View makes me so angry I have decided to watch Ellen more faithfully. She is hilarious. But even more funny than Ellen herself is the lady (Gladys) that she talked to on the phone yesterday. So stinken funny. Before I give it away I am going to try to find a clip of it.

So as bloggers you can appreciate how when people comment on your blog it makes you smile. So the other day I was talking to Jonny about my blog. He does not regularly read my blog and I was giving him grief about it. I told him to read my blog and leave me a comment because it makes me happy and as my husband it is his job to make me happy. So he read my blog but did not leave a comment. So I told him I was going to start writing nasty things about him in my blog. Which I really don't have any nasty things to really say about him. But I thought to story was worth blogging about. So you all should just scowl at him and tell him about the story you read about him in my blog and you can't believe how aweful he is. Make him think I'm writing horrible things about him. I just realized how lame that sounds. I suspect that Jenn and possibly Lisa will actually do this because they are usually up for anything that may make fun of Jonny in any way. I really enjoy that about them.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


What a querky day this has been. But first I shall start with a picture of my baby, because she is not pulling up on furniture all by herself. What a doll.
I'm listening to the 90s music station on the tv. This station is one of my greater joys in life. Sweat by Inner Circle is on right now. Makes me want to groove.

My sister called me today from the university and the first thing she asks me is what time it is here. I wasn't aware that the university and my house were in different time zones. It turns out that she showed up for class two hours early and walked in on some other lecture. How funny for me to know that. It resulted in us being able to have coffee together this morning.

So as some of you know we were having problems with our digital tv and internet in that it almost always couldn't find a signal. So we upgraded out internet and tv speed. I'm happy to say that the tv has been alot better but my internet is so stupid. It is definately faster but it still has trouble connecting. But on the bright side it tells me that it's not working at a faster speed now.

Also, everyone please say a prayer for me. I decided to apply on a new position at the police station. It would mean a substantial raise for me and there are three permanent positions available and they are only one step up from where I am now. (yes I know I was supposed to be looking for a way to stay home, but money talks don't it?)

Here is pictures of my princesses:

Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm Just a Girl

Martin Luther King Jr day today. Today on the View they talked about where were you when MLKJ was assasinated. I obviously was not around at this time. Jonny's parents were actually stayed only a couple of blocks away from where it happened that day. How scary would that be?

Today's Quote

If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

For the longest time I struggled with what God's purpose for me was. Honestly I was very jealous of my husband. He is SO talented musically and being able to reach people through his music and help lead them to Christ. For the longest time I just felt like "Jonny's wife" and my only job was to support him. While I love my husband very deeply it isn't very much fun to be simply defined as your husband's wife.

All of my prayers and conversations with God were really based around what I could do to serve God. God communicates with me mostly through my dreams and all I ever dreamt about during this time was being a mom. This frustrated me. God, anybody can be a mother. Why is my only purpose just to be a mother. I was talking about this to my sister in law and she kind of reprimanded me for this way of thinking. She said to NEVER think of yourself as JUST a mother.

As a mother it is not just your job to pop out babies. Anybody can do that. It takes someone special to be a great mother. If God wants me to JUST be a mother I'm going to be the best mother I possibly can. So I took this concept to the rest of my life. Like youth group, for example. I wanted to help lead these kids to Christ by being their friend. So now listening to want God wanted me to do I started to talk to the kids as more of a mother type figure rather than a friend. The results have been tremendous for me. I have found that not only are the kids more comfortable in talking with me but I am more comfortable with myself.

When I first became a youth leader I bought a bible cover that said "Folow the Leader" on it. It took me a full year to realize that the leader was not me.

Now I know that not only do I have to do the things that God wants me to do but I have to do them the way God wants me to do them as well. Now that I have found my own way of doing things (or God's way, really) I find that I am not jealous of Jonny anymore nor am I just his wife. I am me, and that includes being his wife and a mother, among many many other things.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Isn't It Ironic?

So there is cold warnings in Saskatoon today. Last I checked it was -40 with the windchill. So I am keeping Alanna home today. Jonny has the Jeep and there is no way I'm going to make her stand in the snow waiting for a bus. I hate being stuck in my house. I don't have anywhere in particular that I'd like to go but it's nice to at least have the option. I discovered that the outside door was open earlier this morning and when I went to pull is shut my hand froze to the door handle instantly. That's cold.

Jonny is going to youth tonight - I'm not going there either because Jonny has to be there at 5:30 and then has a photo shoot at the church afterwards with his band. That just seems like a really long time to be at the church with 2 kids especially when I have to go outside to get there.

So because it sucks outside I'm making and keep me warm inside supper tonight. Even thought it'll just be me and the kids. I'll make home made apple cider (courtesy of Epicure), roast beast (as Alanna calls it), smashed potatoes, and some kind of cake with hot sauce for dessert. Makes being stuck at home a little worthwhile. The roast beast is in the slow cooker so I will feel hungry the entire day having to smell it.

I watched Fraggle Rock today. We just added the kids package to our TV and I was not aware that Fraggle Rock was still airing. That kind of made my day.

Here's a little something to make your day a little brighter:

Your 1996 Theme Song Is: Ironic by Alanis Morisette

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought ... it figures

Only one of my favorite songs/artists of all time. Could I be any happier? I submit that I could not.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Great Storm of 2007

Holy Hanna! When I'm 70 years old I'm going to be telling my great grandkids about the great blizzard of 2007! Ha Ha!

So the day started out that Jonny didn't think that he would make it out to work with the car so he took my Jeep (with my car seat in it). Leaving me stranded at home (not that I would have went anywhere anyways). Things got really ugly out really fast. The day turned out to be filled with little adventures. All of which happened over the phone for me, but still made my day a little more exciting.

At about 11am my neighbors (who were very rude to us previously this winter season if you recall) phoned and asked if I would go out and shovel their walk this afternoon. I replied with - I will but you'd have to wait until tomorrow at least because there is a blizzard outside. She was like - oh, cuz we wanted to go out today and wanted the walk cleared. She apparently has a bad back and is unable to shovel herself. However I did find the story amusing. About half an hour later I looked outside to see the guy across the street attempting to shovel his driveway. He would pick up a shovel full and throw it off to the side only to have it all blow back in his face. I watched for half an hour.

Jonny phoned at about 1ish to say that they were snowed in there and that he would be spending the night at work. Good thing he works in a mattress factory, I say. They walked over to Costco to get supplies.

Alanna's school buses quit running so now that Jonny was stuck and I had no vehicle I was in a bit of a pickle. Thank God for friends like Ang and James who go out rescuing and keeping children over night. I know mine was not the only kid they rescued today. Really I can't even imagine what would have happened to Alanna if it weren't for them.

Mid afternoon I watched the mailman trudge through the snow to deliver my junk mail. Thank you Mr. Postman but was it really worth it? I can't believe Canada Post would have their delivery people out on a day like today. Is anybody's mail really worth someone walking around in this? I don't think so. At this time I also noted the line up of semi's on my street as I live right off the highway they must have been seeking refuge from the storm.

I watched the news today and Mr. Mayor was on and during his shpeal he said something about this not being a state of emergency. Although I am well aware that things could be worse this was a little bit of an emergency for me. My family has been completely separated and quite frankly it really sucks. Jonny will be home late tonight as things are starting to clear up and he really does not want to stay overnight but the storm still kept Alanna away. I wonder how many kids really got stuck at school and will have to either spend the night or not make it home until really late. How scary would that be for a little kid.

But all in all I thank God for looking after my family and keeping everyone safe.

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

I take full credit for Heroes winning best new dramatic show at the People's Choice Awards. I know it was because of the thousands of people that read my blog that they won. Thank you to all of my faithful readers.

It is blizzarding outside right now. Yuck! I don't like the fact that Alanna walks to and from the bus alone on morning like this. But I'm pretty sure that I would like it less to have to bring the baby out in this weather. I would drive her but our meager little car would never get Jonny to work and so I am vehicleless. Is it too neurotic of me to have phoned the school this morning just to make sure that the bus got her and brought her to school? I don't think so.

Last night I realized that there is a serious lack of humor in my life. TV wise I mean. Since the ending of Will and Grace, Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond I have not got into any comedies. TV land is seriously bogged down with dramas, crime scene and reality shows. Don't get me wrong - I love them but I need some humor in my life. What sitcoms have you bloggers really gotten in to?

I will leave you with a picture of Jonny putting in some quality time with Emerie. I thought it was cute.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I Heart Owen!

I took two quizzes today. I like little quizzes, how fun. Firstly I took an IQ test - I wanted to post the site here but I lost the quiz. Anyway, I found out that my IQ is 124 and that I have a higher IQ than the average American in any state. Whoda thunk!
Next quiz was what celebrity is my soul mate. http://web.tickle.com/tests/celebritysoulmate/?c=50914&test=celebritysoulmateogt
Turns out that I have a real connection with Owen Wilson - I've always sensed that.

So now that it's the new year I feel like it is the countdown to going back to work. I really don't want to go back to work. But at the same time

AAAHHHH!! Just now while I was typing Emerie pulled up on to her knees and crawled!!! How exciting - I need to make some phone calls.

Okay, I'm back. To continue....at the same time I know that I have a really good position at the police station and I don't want to lose that. Do any working moms (or not working moms) have any advice on how to make this work for me?

Also I would like to say how proud I am of Jonny and his bandmates. It looks like they are going to be signed by a record label in the weeks to come. What a huge thing for a band that hasn't even been together for a year yet. Maybe they will become rich and famous and I won't have to work at all. Wouldn't that be something.

Friday, January 05, 2007

What the ?

Okay, has anyone seen the commercial about the square bagels? There is a part in the commercial where it says that the bagels come in a fun new shape so that kids will like it. Since when is square fun or new?

And why, when I go to the store and buy five bags of chips does the cashier cram four bags into one grocery bag and then only one bag of chips in the other.

And why is it that some celebrity being the first to get her nips accidentally caught on camera make headline news? Do we really have nothing better to talk about? And furthermore, is it really an accident? Celebrity's nips seem to come out all the time. I assure you that mine never accidentally make an appearance.

I also find it humerous that when people are on holidays but don't actually go anywhere they become stalkers without really realizing it.

Why is it when children want to watch tv with you they feel the need to sit ON you and not beside you? And I don't mean just my kids on my lap. If my kid takes a liking to someone she will sit on their lap too.

By the way, go to nbc's website and vote for Heroes for best new TV drama. If you haven't been watching you can watch all the episodes thus far on the website - there have only been 11 I think.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Just For Mom

So my mom pointed out today that I never write about her. So I just want everyone to know that I have the greatest mommy in the world and I love her very much.

I hope your reading this mom.

Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 In Review

Wow, another year gone by. Does anyone ever feel that the older we get the faster the years start to go by?

A quick recap of my year:

January - Alanna (after begging us for five months) was baptised at Elim. Originally we thought she might be too young to catch the real meaning behind being baptised. But after alot of persuasion on her part we realized - who are we to stop someone from being baptised no matter how young they are.

March - Was our very first wedding anniversary. We didn't do to much but we didn't need to.

April - My cousin Scott got married. This was the first of six weddings that we were invited to this year.

May - We celebrated Jonny's 30th birthday. We had a picnic in my parents backyard. By the end of the night is was just the Eagle's, the Barnstable's, and the Gibson's freezing our buns off around the fire pit sharing a single chocolate bar that Jonny got for his birthday. I believe that was his only gift. lol

June - My beautiful baby girl Emerie Ruth was born on June 9th. Not, of course, without two weeks of false labor first. There was also Geetan's wedding, as well as Jonny's old girlfriends wedding that we DJ'd - I know some of you will remember me talking about that.

July - Courtney and Lee got married. Jonny was the MC, we had a lot of fun because Jonny and I wrote a song for them which Jonny performed right before the dance started. Tim's 30th birthday was in and around here somewhere - I can't remember which month it was exactly because as you all know I lost my marbles after having the baby. Still looking for them if anyone happens to see them.

August - My beautiful big girl Alanna Denise celebrated birthday number 7 on August 9th. My cousin Shannon was also married this month. I just realized that there may have been another wedding that I haven't mentioned that happened before this point and I can't for the life of me remember who it is. If it is someone that reads my blog - I am SO SORRY! Although I think this was the month that my cousin Elise got engaged.

September - First I think was Riki and Todd's wedding (also this night they conceived their first baby which is due in June - I thought you all might like to know that - ha ha Riki). This month was our move from the apartment into the duplex and Nigel moved in with us. Also The Chapman's and the Miller's had their babies on the very same day. This was definately the year of the baby - there was more babies born this year that I know of and I couldn't possibly go through them all.

October - My 25th birthday - where Jonny tried to surprise me with my new headboard and footboard but the day before the delivery I found the receipt on my dresser. And he has the nerve to say that I shouldn't be snooping around on my dresser.

December - This was a really busy month. There was the Elim Christmas production as well as the children's production the week after. Christmas was great and busy. But New Year's Eve was the highlight of my December for sure. Barnstable's (or should I say Ronald and Iguana Trump) hosted a murder mystery party and it was so much fun. There was drama and gambling and of course murder. I learned how to play craps (or our version of it anyways). These are the pictures that I have. I can't wait to see everyone else's pictures.
Yes, the king is alive. Elvis won for bessed dressed. It's hard to make out but dressed up as Elvis is Pastor John.
Here was our gracious host for the evening Ronald Trump.
The supposed richest man at the party (next to of course Ronald), Ace High, who was later on murdered.
The lovely wife of the Senator, Jacqueline Justice.
People like this is how the casino gets all it's money - here is Lolo and Krissy, two of the gamblers.
No high profile party like this one would be without paparazzi. Here Jamie Reporter questions Iguana Trump after the murder.
Papazzi is very sneaky to have caughten this picture of Senator Justice with his mistress Colleen Candy the high class call girl.

I wish I had more pictures than this but there were so many cameras at the party that I'm sure there will be more circulating around. What a great way to bring in the new year though, absolutely steller idea.

Well, Happy New Year everyone. I hope your New Years Eve was as great as mine!