Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

I take full credit for Heroes winning best new dramatic show at the People's Choice Awards. I know it was because of the thousands of people that read my blog that they won. Thank you to all of my faithful readers.

It is blizzarding outside right now. Yuck! I don't like the fact that Alanna walks to and from the bus alone on morning like this. But I'm pretty sure that I would like it less to have to bring the baby out in this weather. I would drive her but our meager little car would never get Jonny to work and so I am vehicleless. Is it too neurotic of me to have phoned the school this morning just to make sure that the bus got her and brought her to school? I don't think so.

Last night I realized that there is a serious lack of humor in my life. TV wise I mean. Since the ending of Will and Grace, Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond I have not got into any comedies. TV land is seriously bogged down with dramas, crime scene and reality shows. Don't get me wrong - I love them but I need some humor in my life. What sitcoms have you bloggers really gotten in to?

I will leave you with a picture of Jonny putting in some quality time with Emerie. I thought it was cute.


Anonymous said...

What happened to your suv?


(and yes the weather is frightful.. i had to run calls in this.. shudder)

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