Friday, January 12, 2007

Isn't It Ironic?

So there is cold warnings in Saskatoon today. Last I checked it was -40 with the windchill. So I am keeping Alanna home today. Jonny has the Jeep and there is no way I'm going to make her stand in the snow waiting for a bus. I hate being stuck in my house. I don't have anywhere in particular that I'd like to go but it's nice to at least have the option. I discovered that the outside door was open earlier this morning and when I went to pull is shut my hand froze to the door handle instantly. That's cold.

Jonny is going to youth tonight - I'm not going there either because Jonny has to be there at 5:30 and then has a photo shoot at the church afterwards with his band. That just seems like a really long time to be at the church with 2 kids especially when I have to go outside to get there.

So because it sucks outside I'm making and keep me warm inside supper tonight. Even thought it'll just be me and the kids. I'll make home made apple cider (courtesy of Epicure), roast beast (as Alanna calls it), smashed potatoes, and some kind of cake with hot sauce for dessert. Makes being stuck at home a little worthwhile. The roast beast is in the slow cooker so I will feel hungry the entire day having to smell it.

I watched Fraggle Rock today. We just added the kids package to our TV and I was not aware that Fraggle Rock was still airing. That kind of made my day.

Here's a little something to make your day a little brighter:

Your 1996 Theme Song Is: Ironic by Alanis Morisette

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought ... it figures

Only one of my favorite songs/artists of all time. Could I be any happier? I submit that I could not.


Megan said...

My 1996 theme song is Breakfast at Tiffany's. I don't even think I was aware that was a song. I don't even think I've seen the movie. That's Ironic.

tmosh said...

and i said what about breakfast at tiffany's she said i think i remember the film....wasn't it take that or something?? mine was 1979 - by Smashing Pumpkins - quite accurate...thanks for the fun quiz Leah!

Leah said...

and as I recall I think we both kind of liked it. And I said well that's the one thing we got. It's by Deep Blue Something. Great song.

Megan said...

Alright, I downloaded it and I do remember the song. Now I'm going to have to rent the movie because I can't get the song out of my head!

Unknown said...

Well I don't really feel like I can comment as far as a song is concerned, but man, dinner sure sounds great!!!!