Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dear Anonymous

I feel that I should address yesterday's comment made by an anonymous blogger. Although the comments didn't hurt me in anyway I still found them to be extremely rude.

My seven year old daughter has had some experience with bullies lately and so I have often referred to my mothers advice when I was a kid. I'm sure many of you were given the same advice where your attacker is just jealous of you. It's so true. Now I am definately no saint and I have made fun and even went as far as to bully someone else. When I think back to the occassions where I had been incredibly rude to someone I was usually making fun of the pretty or popular girl or the girl who was dating the boy that I wanted to be dating. So after thinking about this I am a little bit flattered by yesterday's comments. Obviously this person found something in my blog's or something about me (if they know who I am) and because of this they felt the need to try to tear me down. I know that Kristin and Jenna, two friends of mine, had anonymous comments on their blogs as well and really I can't think of any real reason why someone would want to tear them apart either unless it was jealousy.

Whoever you are I think that you are nothing but a coward. Anonymous, I challenge you to say who you are. If you are someone that I know, get it out in the open. If you are some random person then what does it really matter. I do want you to know that regardless of who you are I do forgive you and I have said a prayer for you. I'm sorry that you are in a place in your life where you feel the need to try and tear people down to make yourself feel better. I want you to know that God is there for you and if you let him he will help you get to know him and in turn help you get to know yourself. When that happens I think you will find that you are not as nasty as you appear to be. I think you will find the good in yourself and others around you. When that day comes I invite you to comment on my blog again.

Clara Barton, the founder ot he American Red Cross, was reminded one day of a vicious deed that someone had done to her years before. But she acted as if she had never heard of the incident.
"Don't you remember it?" her friend asked.
"No," came Barton's reply. "I distinctly remember forgetting it."


kristin janzen said...

Hear Hear! ha ha.

Leah, what a perfectly written blog. i considered writing something as well (although i definitely would not have been so eloquently gracious about it!), but decided not to. i figured i should let it go as it was not something i was about to take seriously or personally. but i am very glad you addressed it.

the comments left on my blog were disgusting and horrible (and most definitely the same guy writing on your blog) but like you said before, water off my back. jenna and i believe it is someone from weyburn, as we have stats taken on who visits our blogs. neither of us know anyone from weyburn.

personally, jenna and i changed our comments to be bloggers only, and are also considering making them private, if only for a little while. we'll see. we also erased the nasty comments. they were so completely inappropriate!

anyway my whole point is that you have dealt with this appropriately for you and i am with ya.


Megan said...

Good girl. That may sound condescending, but I don't mean it that way at all. Kristin is right, that was very well written and quite to the point.

AlisonVeritas said...

OMG I'm behind. Leah great response, you are truly a person of character. I have no tolerance for pathetic cowards who think they are so tough to be mean but don't have any balls to leave a name. I feel a bit sorry for them actually. So pathetic.
And just for the record. You are HOT!

Jenna said...

great response
maybe u should sell epicure AND be a writer!