Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Great Storm of 2007

Holy Hanna! When I'm 70 years old I'm going to be telling my great grandkids about the great blizzard of 2007! Ha Ha!

So the day started out that Jonny didn't think that he would make it out to work with the car so he took my Jeep (with my car seat in it). Leaving me stranded at home (not that I would have went anywhere anyways). Things got really ugly out really fast. The day turned out to be filled with little adventures. All of which happened over the phone for me, but still made my day a little more exciting.

At about 11am my neighbors (who were very rude to us previously this winter season if you recall) phoned and asked if I would go out and shovel their walk this afternoon. I replied with - I will but you'd have to wait until tomorrow at least because there is a blizzard outside. She was like - oh, cuz we wanted to go out today and wanted the walk cleared. She apparently has a bad back and is unable to shovel herself. However I did find the story amusing. About half an hour later I looked outside to see the guy across the street attempting to shovel his driveway. He would pick up a shovel full and throw it off to the side only to have it all blow back in his face. I watched for half an hour.

Jonny phoned at about 1ish to say that they were snowed in there and that he would be spending the night at work. Good thing he works in a mattress factory, I say. They walked over to Costco to get supplies.

Alanna's school buses quit running so now that Jonny was stuck and I had no vehicle I was in a bit of a pickle. Thank God for friends like Ang and James who go out rescuing and keeping children over night. I know mine was not the only kid they rescued today. Really I can't even imagine what would have happened to Alanna if it weren't for them.

Mid afternoon I watched the mailman trudge through the snow to deliver my junk mail. Thank you Mr. Postman but was it really worth it? I can't believe Canada Post would have their delivery people out on a day like today. Is anybody's mail really worth someone walking around in this? I don't think so. At this time I also noted the line up of semi's on my street as I live right off the highway they must have been seeking refuge from the storm.

I watched the news today and Mr. Mayor was on and during his shpeal he said something about this not being a state of emergency. Although I am well aware that things could be worse this was a little bit of an emergency for me. My family has been completely separated and quite frankly it really sucks. Jonny will be home late tonight as things are starting to clear up and he really does not want to stay overnight but the storm still kept Alanna away. I wonder how many kids really got stuck at school and will have to either spend the night or not make it home until really late. How scary would that be for a little kid.

But all in all I thank God for looking after my family and keeping everyone safe.


Megan said...

Wow, I had no idea the storm was that bad. I was talking to my mom that day and she had mentioned she was talking to my little brother and he said the campus was shut down (he goes to U of S). Thank God everyone is safe.

Jenna said...

Hi Leah, I'm glad your family is safe.
Kyle stayed home from work that day and we stayed inside all day. There were people skidoing down my street and I also saw a lady shovelling which was quite funny!@!