Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Velvet and Sandpaper

We all have known family or friends who bring out the worst in us instead of the best, rubbing us at just the wrong spots, uncovering our weaknesses rather than our strengths. They're like sandpaper. It is good to remember that Jesus encountered these sandpaper experiences at times even from within his inner circle. It is also good to remember that one of his closest friends was one he knew would never understand him and would even betray him. He was a constant sandpaper to Jesus, yet Jesus loved him daily as he did the others. Even in this way he was laying down his life. Since we are also loved sacrificially we are to lay down our lives for each other (1 John 3:16).
But the Lord gives us others who are like velvet, whose words are comforting and supportive, and who really understand us. They are the soft cushions we need when we are scraped with the "sandpapers" and can listen to us as we explore the weaknesses and needs they bring out in us. They tangibly reveal God's perspective - just when we most need it.
- Kathy Narramore, Alice Hill

1 comment:

Megan said...

I definately have the "sandpaper" people in my life, I think everyone does. But it's nice to realize that there is always somewhere to turn when you need it.