Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm Just a Girl

Martin Luther King Jr day today. Today on the View they talked about where were you when MLKJ was assasinated. I obviously was not around at this time. Jonny's parents were actually stayed only a couple of blocks away from where it happened that day. How scary would that be?

Today's Quote

If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

For the longest time I struggled with what God's purpose for me was. Honestly I was very jealous of my husband. He is SO talented musically and being able to reach people through his music and help lead them to Christ. For the longest time I just felt like "Jonny's wife" and my only job was to support him. While I love my husband very deeply it isn't very much fun to be simply defined as your husband's wife.

All of my prayers and conversations with God were really based around what I could do to serve God. God communicates with me mostly through my dreams and all I ever dreamt about during this time was being a mom. This frustrated me. God, anybody can be a mother. Why is my only purpose just to be a mother. I was talking about this to my sister in law and she kind of reprimanded me for this way of thinking. She said to NEVER think of yourself as JUST a mother.

As a mother it is not just your job to pop out babies. Anybody can do that. It takes someone special to be a great mother. If God wants me to JUST be a mother I'm going to be the best mother I possibly can. So I took this concept to the rest of my life. Like youth group, for example. I wanted to help lead these kids to Christ by being their friend. So now listening to want God wanted me to do I started to talk to the kids as more of a mother type figure rather than a friend. The results have been tremendous for me. I have found that not only are the kids more comfortable in talking with me but I am more comfortable with myself.

When I first became a youth leader I bought a bible cover that said "Folow the Leader" on it. It took me a full year to realize that the leader was not me.

Now I know that not only do I have to do the things that God wants me to do but I have to do them the way God wants me to do them as well. Now that I have found my own way of doing things (or God's way, really) I find that I am not jealous of Jonny anymore nor am I just his wife. I am me, and that includes being his wife and a mother, among many many other things.


Megan said...

That post brought tears to my eyes. I am nobody's wife yet, but I also struggle with the whole "just a mom" scenario. What am I? I'm a single, working mom. Like there is nothing else to me. It's frustrating, but I need to stop thinking that way, because like you, I'm so much more than that. Thanks!

Jenna said...

Hey Leah
I never thought of you as just JOnny's wife. You have always been Leah to me, a great person with a big heart and I love the quote you put on here! see you tomorrow